Note: Parentheses ( ) after a name denote a nickname or a name Lord Buckley gave the person in a routine). Brackets [ ] denote a Royal Court name bestowed upon the individual by His Lorshop  
[1870 - 1937]

Famous 20th century physicist. Mentor of Albert Einstein, mentioned in Buckley's piece "The Hip Einie"

[1921 - 2000]

Renaissance man, Allen was a comedian, composer, pianist, television host and much more. Lord Buckley appeared on the Tonight Show hosted by Allen in 1955. The performance was madcap by any contemporary standards.

AMRAM, DAVID [Prince David]

Composer, musician, into the jazz scene since the 1940s, worked with a number of Beat and Bebop artists. Amram played piano for Lord Buckley in New York City the night before His Lordship, as Prince Owlhead has put it, "took a cab." David was hand-picked by Leonard Bernstein as the first composer-in-residence for the New York Philharmonic. He has played and recorded with Lionel Hampton, Charlie Mingus, Kenny Dorham and Dizzy Gillespie as improvising French hornist. While in Hollywood, he wrote the scores for "Splendor in the Grass", "The Manchurian Candidate", "The Young Savages" and others. Recently, his "A Little Rebellion: Thomas Jefferson" was premiered at Kennedy Center for Performing Arts with E. G. Marshall narrating. While not writing, composing, or conducting symphony orchestras all over the world, or touring internationally with his jaz/world music trio, David spends his time with his wife, Lora Lee; his children, Alana, Adira and Adam; and assorted goats, chickens, ducks and cows. He is constantly composing, even when driving his tractor David appeared, along with Ted Thompson in a documentary film, "The Beat Generation" in 1981. By the end of 1997, Amram will have 12 CDs of his music in curent distribution. Amram's musical composition in memory of his friend is titled Ode to Lord Buckley. Mr. Amram is also a member of that rather exclusive club of persons that have had a cheese named after them. If you are interested in this aspect of his life please

L I N K S:

David Amram's Home Page


Anderson is a swingin' Super Mensch. Not only is he a writer for and editor of Britain's premier folk roots magazine FROOTS, but he had a long career as a British folk musican, writing and recording albums and setting up several recording companies. This mighty knight was an early promoter and defender of the world music movement (he helped coined the phrase "World Music" in a pub one night, what else can you do when you don't have enough money for another pint?) He is also author of Tongue Dancer, a jumpin' opus of words that can be found in the 20th Anniversary issue of FROOTS. Anderson was first attracted to Lord Buckley during his school days and in the course of running FROOTS he found that numerous folk artists would mention His Lordship. Finally curiousity got the best of this cat and he produced the above mentioned article.

L I N K S:

FROOTS Home Page

Tongue Dancer article at LBC


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[83 BC - 30 BC]

Roman policitian/soldier both a historical figure and a figure of literature - Buckley blows a cool, close shaved version of Marc's funeral oration from Willie the Shake's Julius Caesar.


Lord Buckley's Marc Antony's Funeral Oration at LBC


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[c. 123/125 – c. 180]

A Latin language prose writer. best known for his story "The Golden Ass" - Buckley refers to Apulieus in one of his unissued recordings.




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[1920 - 2002]

Photographer reknown for his sensitive and insightful images of the jazz music scene since the 1950's. He covered all the Montery Jazz festivals, and numerous European jazz fests. His worked has graced more than 100 vinyl album covers and over 50 CD jewel cases as well. Took some of the very few photographs of Buckley at work in nightclubs.


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[1915 - 1986]

Brother of heavy weight champion Max Baer. Buddy appeared with Lord Buckley on the Ed Sullivan Show, playing one of the stooges in Buckley's Amos and Andy routine. His Lordship, at six foot two, was dwarfed by the height and mass this brother of a champion. In addition to Buckley's usual routine, he performed a charming and "hair raising" schtick with Baer in which they exchanged hats with an ever increasing frequency(see image to the left.) Baer is also the uncle of Max Baer, Jr. (Jethro on The Beverly Hillbillies). There is a veiled reference to Buddy Baer in His Lordship's "God's Own Drunk".


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BANKS, PAULA [Lady Paula]
[1920 - 2007]

Brother of heavy weight champion Max Baer. Buddy appeared with Lord Buckley on the Ed Sullivan Show, playing one of the stooges in Buckley's Amos and Andy routine. His Lordship, at six foot two, was dwarfed by the height and mass this brother of a champion. In addition to Buckley's usual routine, he performed a charming and "hair raising" schtick with Baer in which they exchanged hats with an ever increasing frequency(see image to the left.) Baer is also the uncle of Max Baer, Jr. (Jethro on The Beverly Hillbillies). There is a veiled reference to Buddy Baer in His Lordship's "God's Own Drunk".


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[1935 - 2005]

Candy Barr, exotic dancer, poet and buddy cat of Lord Buckley. She was born Juanita Dale Slusher on July 6, 1935 in Edna, Texas. At 16 she appeared in the 1951 erotic film Smart Aleck. Rumor has it that she was forced to perform at gunpoint. She fondly remembered her mad, whirlwind two week soiree with His Lordship in Dallas in the Fifties. The experience was a passionate, heartfelt education in the beautiful poetry of life. She held him in great regard as a teacher and mentor. Kindred spirits, on fire with life. "Ride the rhyme, that's what Lord Buckley taught me." Ride on Nita.


Click to read 2006 Riffs section Obit by Roger Mexico
Click here to read a lengthy bio of Candy Barr


A furry drinking pal of the narrator of His Lordship's magnificent offering "God's Own Drunk". The bear is rather large "I love every hair on your twenty-seven acre body!" and is of dubious character.


Read God's Own Drunk at LBC


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[1925 - 2011]

Actor, playwright and one time manager of Lord Buckley. Benson worked with Buckley during the last hurrah of The Cosmic Tour, helping His Lordship in securing a gig in New York at The Jazz Gallery. Benson also worked with Johnny Carson as one of the Mighty Carson Art Players.


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[1938 - 2012]

Actor and Buckley performer. A veteran of The Living Theatre. Steven's version of The Nazz at the 90th Buckley Birthday Bash on April 12, 1996 came perilously close to accusations of wizardry.

L I N K S:

Steven Ben Israel performing The Nazz at LBO [coming soon]


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[1927 - 1988]

Record producer and owner of World Pacific Records. World Pacific recorded the likes of Ravi Shankar, Les McCann and Lord Buckley. Bock was also responsible for hiring a very young Nik Venet to help get His Lordship into the studios after his late night gigs to get some things down on tape.


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[1911 - 2004]

The indomitable Gypsy Boots was the original vegetable prophet. He dedicated his life to hipping the masses to the life giving qualites of fruits, nuts and vegetables. He appeared on the Tonight Show numberous times and looked 20 years younger than he really was. Lord Buckley and Gypsy Boots knew each other in the '50s in Los Angeles.


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BOOTS, TUBBY [Princess Lilly]
[birth and death dates unknown]

Expansive entertainer, comedian, sideshow star, recording artist, and Miami nightclub owner, A twelve year old Tubby Boots saw Lord Buckley perform and immediately decided his life's work was show business. Later when Tubby and His Lordship became friends, Tubby, very large (350 lbs plus) and very out, would don his french maid outfit to answer the door and dust the royal furniture at the Whitely Terrace castle in the Hollywood Hills. His Lordship dubbed him Princess Lily.


Tubby Boots on YouTube Part 1
Tubby Boots on YouTube Part 2
Tubby Boots on YouTube Part 3
Tubby Boots on YouTube Part 4


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[1882 - 1970]

A top flight German physicist cat mentioned in Lord Buckley story of Albert Einstein The Hip Einie.


Read The Hip Einie at LBC


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BOYD, DOUG [Prince Douglas]
[1923 - 2007]

A pilot living who lived in Southern California, he was part of the Royal Court in the 1950s. As a guest on the 1988 Roger Steffans radio shows he delighted the assembled Buckleyheads, and the radio listeners, with his memories of His Lordship.


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BROWN, CAPTAIN [Captain Cool]

The Air Force officer that piloted the AT-33 jet fighter that after-burned Lord Buckley through the Gonesphere. Read about Captain Cool in Buckley Describes First Ride in a Jet! in the What The Printheads Laid Down section at this website.

L I N K S:

Read Buckley Describes First Ride in a Jet! at LBC


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[1925 - 1966]

Seminal nightclub comedian, known for his social criticism and extradordinary imagination. Bruce claimed Buckley as one of his influences.


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[85 BC- 42 BC]

Roman policitian/solider close friend of Ceasar both a historical figure and a figure of literature- even though he and Jules were buddy cats it didn't stop Brutus from adding his steel to the surprise sticker party they held for Ceaser. In Buckley's Marc Antony's Funeral Oration, Marc sarcastically proclaims: "Yet Brutus was a worthy stud."

L I N K S:

Read Marc Antony's Funeral Oration at LBC


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[1937 - 2012]

Lord Buckley's eldest son. He studied acting with Sanford Meisner. Worked as producer, director and film editor on the Warner Brothers film Two Thousand Years, Producer along with Richmond Shepard of Lord Buckley's Finest Hour , starring John Sinclair. And, like his mother Paula Banks, Fred was a poet. Fred bore an uncanny resembalance to his father, had the same set of pipes and did a first rate impression of The Lord.


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BUCKLEY, LADY ELIZABETH (nee Hanson) [Lady Buckley]
[1926 - 1996]

Dance innovator, she and Lord Buckley met during the run of The Passing Show. Creator of Ballet for Living a synthesis of Bebop and Ballanchine. She encouraged her husband to concentrate on the Hip Classics part of his act and the rest is swingin' history. Lady Buckley died Jan 17, 1996 in Los Angeles, California. She and Lord Buckley had two children: Richard Jr. and Laurie.


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Only daughter of Lord and Lady Buckley. After a long time on the road with her parents, visiting the various and sundry entertainment capitols of the world, Laurie settled in for a long run in Las Vegas. While there she worked as a publicist, and editor, as well, as doing a stint as Bette Midler in a celebrity doubles type show. She currently lives in the Los Agneles area.


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[1906 - 1960]

His Royal Hipness, a most immaculately hip aristocrat, the Lord of Flip Manor, a professor of Beatnikism, the Wordman from Wordland, the hippest man who ever lived, His Flipness, His Strictly Trippiness, His Most Incredible Crypticness, the Reverend of Irreverence, the Paul Bunyan of Bravado, His Double-Hip Ebullientness, His Intractable Impracticalness, His Undoubtedly Way Outedliness, the Charlie Parker of Talk, the Fred Astaire of the Tongue Dance, the Guru of the Gone World, the Paganini of Prose, the Man with the Multiple Minds and the Magical Mouth, the Voice of the Viper from the Vortex, the Cardinal of Cool, the Vicar of Visionaries, the Bishop of Bebop, Beatness and Boo, the Loose-Lipped Lingo Lover, the Purple Pope of the Poetical Patois, Hipster Saint, a far out, wailin', a nonstop groovy gasser, a hemp-headed hipster , a picaresque pill-popping darling of Al Capone, a jazz philosopher, a gallivanting guru, a scotch-swigging shaman, the original viper, the Hall of Fame Hipster, the baddest beatnik, the first flower child, the premier rapper, the combination of Walt Whitman, Charlie Parker, Baudelaire and Laurence Olivier, a secret thing passed under the table, a philosophic humorist, hip-talk poet, cock-eyed historian, Royal Holiness of the Far Out, Prophet of the Hip, a hipster's hipster, the Hip Messiah, Royal Holiness of the Far Out, Prophet of the Hip, the baddest beatnik, the first flower child, the professor of Hipology, the only hip white cat in town, the purest, noblest, and most beautiful hipster, Reverend of Irreverence . . .


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BUCKLEY, JR., RICHARd [Crown Prince Richard]
[1952 - 2021]

The late son of Lord and Lady Buckley, lived in the Los Angeles area and worked in the film and recording industries. Producer of Lord Buckley Live! a tape compliation of Buckley material issued by Shambala Productions. As a child Red Foxx babysat him and George Carlin introduced him to the Laugh-In crowd. In 2006 he performed in a one man show at The Steve Allen Theater called “Eaten alive in Hollywood” Improve and radio for The Greeseman Show.


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Singer and songwriter, the originator of the term "Parrothead". Buffett covered "God's Own Drunk", on two of his album releases. He was also the defendant in a law suite about royalties brought by Richard Buckley, Jr.


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Buckley's name for the raven in his rendition of Edgar Allen's Poe's The Raven


Read Lord Buckley's The Raven at LBC


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[100 BC - 44 BC]

Roman Emperor, highly decorated solider and author - both a historical figure and a figure of literature - His life ended one day in a messy sticker party hosted by his "friends" at the Forum. March was not his favorite month.


Lord Buckley's Willie the Shake at LBC

Lord Buckley's Marc Antony's Funeral Oration at LBC


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Buckley interpreter. Tom wowed the choir at the 90th and 100th Buckley Birthday Bashes with his lively renditions of Buckley routines. He also starred in the revival of Richmond Shepard's Lord Buckley's Finest Hour. Tom lives in New York City.

L I N K S:

See Tom gassing the troupes at LBC [coming soon]



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CAMPBELL, CHARLES [Prince Charles]
[1915 - 2014]

San Francisco art gallery owner and long time friend of Lord Buckley. Campbell knew Buckley both as a friend and as a fan in the late forties and all through the fifties. His Lordship even performed in Campbell's living room for a select group of lucky courtiers. It was Campbell that gave Lady Buckley two hundred dollars to get herself to New York for His Lordship's funeral. Campbell ran a well known North Beach art gallery the Campbell-Thiebaud Gallery.


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Radio announcer from the Golden Age of Radio. Case also did early television shows such as "Toast of the Town" the precursor to "The Ed Sullivan Show". One night on "Toast of the Town" Case was picked to be a stooge for Lord Buckley's performance of his signature Vaudeville routine "The 4 Chairs".


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Half of the famous Buckley Everyman duo of Fred and Charlie. Fred and Charlie appear in several Buckley routines including Governor Slugwell and The Train


read Lord Buckley's Governor Slugwell at LBC

read Lord Buckley's The Train at LBC


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[1921 - 1960]

Long time criminal suspected but never absolutely proven to be the "Red Light Bandit", a person who robbed couples in Lover's Lane pretending to be a cop by shining a red light in their eyes. The Red Light Bandit would also, upon occasion, drag off and sexually assault the female of the couples he robbed. Chessman was caught and confessed to being the Red Light Bandit (although he later recanted claiming he had been beaten into the confession.) At his trial the prosecution utilized the Little Lindbergh law that provides the death penalty for kidnapping and assault of the victim. Chessman was convicted and spent 12 years on death row. He wrote four books in that time and had 8 stays of execution. Some feel he greatly advanced the cause of prisoner's rights. Lord Buckley, struck by Chessman's courage, dedicated a recitation of Joseph S. Newman's "Leviathan" to Chessman at a performance at the Outside At the Inside in Palo Alto, CA in 1960 shortly before Chessman was put to death in the gas chamber at San Quentin Prison.


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Performance artist and poet. Cinader has regaled audiences from New York City's hippest clubs to the raucous Celtic peppered crowds of Edinburgh's Fringe Festival with her Buckley inspired performances. Utilizing the Semantic of the Hip (with an added feminine twist) and her own wildly vivid imagination, she conjures up Nichola Tesla in Tesla Vision, and Golden Age philospher Hypatia in Homage to Hypatia, as well as her own versions of Jonah and the Whale and Nero. She hosts a radio program and is the co-editor of A Gathering of the Tribes, a bi-annual literary arts magazine. Martha is also the creator of a poetry and music series called Listen & Be Heard. Check out this web site's section A Long Neon Tube for announcements of Martha's upcoming appearances and be sure to visit her web site the CINASPHERE.

L I N K S:

see Martha performing Jonah and The Whale [coming soon]

read Martha Cinader's Tesla Vision at LBC

visit the CINASPHERE


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[1913 - 1984]

Animator, producer, director and puppeteer known for his work on the Looney Tunes cartoons in their golden age. He also created the "Beanie and Cecil" animated series for television. The episode "The Wildman of Wildesville" features the way gone voice of Lord Buckley as the character Go Man Van Gogh. Buckley pulled out all the stops to make this one of the hippest cartoons that ever made it to air.


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[1927 - 2008]

Los Angeles based photographer, famous for his sensitive and illuminating photographs of many jazz greats and the jazz scene. The photos of Lord Buckley in a pith helmet, gracing the cover of several of Buckley's albums, are the work of Mr. Claxton. Mr. Claxton graciously consented to the use of his Buckley images at this web site.


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[69 BC - 30 BC]

Last of the Ptolemaic Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Cleopatra had passionate relationships with both Julius Ceasar and Marc Antony and several of her own brothers. With Antony she produced three children. Cleopatra was known as a very savvy politican and ruler. She is the only Ptolemaic Pharaoh to learn Egyptian (the Ptolmaic spoke Greek.) His Lordship made much of the Marc Antony/Cleopatra romance in a little snippet were he mentions "Marc and Cleo swingin' on the Nile.")


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A person of the theatre, appeared with Lord Buckley and Severn Darden one night in 1960 in Chicago at The Gate of Horn in a performance billed as The Seacoast of Bohemia. Close helped found the Second City Comedy Review, was instrumental in shaping the careers of a number of performers including Bill Murray and John Belushi. He also created a wild flip of the vinyl called How to Speak Hip. Sadly, His Royal Highness Prince Close took a cab on March 4, 1999.


read Del Close's obit at LBC


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Jazz musician born in Indiana and raised in Illinois. By the age of 16, playing both ukelle and banjo he had turned pro and all through the 1920's he was based in Chicago. He played with such notables as Bix Beiderbecke and Jack Teagarden. In 1948 "Eddie Condon's Floor Show" aired on WPIX-TV November 16, 1948 out of New York City. It featured a variety of jazz acts and as Master of Ceremonies, the swingin' Lord Buckley. Buckley's usually brief intros and outros were captured and can be heard on YouTube.


Eddie Condon Floor Show YouTube link


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[1914 - 2017]

In the world of comedy Professor Irwin Corey stands out as one of the hippest and flippest of them all. With his signature phrase "However" and his inexhaustable cache of slyly humourous observations, he has captivated audiences from his debut in 1938 until he present day, where, well into his 90s, he still knocks 'em dead. His theatre experience is extremely varied with stints on radio and television, on the Vaudeville stage, in films and on Broadway. And , like any brilliant performer worth his or her salt, he was blacklisted in the 1950's for his political afflilations. Much to the worlds erudtion, substantangentiality, obfusgatorialousness and delight he can concantanate endlessly on any subject presented to him. He and His Lordship were fast friends and the humor, no doubt, ran deep and intense between them.


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Was born in Brooklyn, NY like his father, the comedian, Prof. Irwin Corey (who was a friend of Lord Buckley). At an early age he started doing his father's routines and also the routines of performers his father worked with. He does a fairly good Lenny Bruce, and in 1964 while visiting his cousins who were living in Paris, first discovered Euphoria Vol. 2 in his cousin's collection. He did a French translation of Jonah and committed to memory the entire "Cabenza de Gasca the Gasser." When he got home, he wrote and illustrated a pseudo Buckley of "Joshuah and the Battle of Jerico." His ear is such that he can do a good imitation of Elvis, Buddy Holly and, of course. his all-time favorite, Otis Redding. He also does a seven-ply gassed out, delicate, circus day run up the Lord Buckley ladder. He recently participated in a stage reading by playwright Charles Pike (author of The Return of the Hip Messiah) about the great American author Terry Southern in The Terry Southern Show. He played the hunchback from "Candy" and was toying with the idea of wearing a Notre Dame sweatshirt as a costume.


See Lord Buckley in Florida at the Royal Gallery [coming soon]


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CRANK, CHUBBY [Count Crank of Mill Valley]

Long time trumpet and vibes jazz player in the San Francisco Bay Area. His Lordship lived in San Raphael, CA in 1959 and 1960 and he was a frequent guest in the Crank pad, as was the Crank tribe at the Buckley castle. The good Count Crank played with some very heavy weight jazz greats including Dizzy Gillespie, Ornett
Coleman, Milt Hinton, John Coltrane, Jack Sheldon and fellow vibe player Gary Burton. The Crank children also got in on the scene being the enviable audience for numerous hip history lessons delivered by Lord Buckley especially for them. According to Lady Celeste, one of Chubby's children, His Lordshop got a huge kick out of the kid's appreciation of his history lessons because they grew up with the hip language and they dug what he was putting down from in front.


rootsweb citation


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New York area jazz bassist. As a young man Crow baby sat for the Buckley's when they were in the mood to paint the town red (which one imagines was quite often.) Crow is also an author of the book "From Birdland to Broadway - scenes from a jazz life". He devotes several pages to His Lord and Ladyship.


"From Birdland to Broadway" citation at LBC" [coming soon]


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A writer living somewhere on the Sphere. His Lord Buckley article for the San Francisco Examiner magazine Image "All Hail Lord Buckley!" is rich in facts and spirit, and liberally sprinkled with hipsomatic phraseology (and available at this web site.)

L I N K S:

read All Hail Lord Buckley! at LBC


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As a singer/songwriter Brian Cutean (he writes his last name as "QTN") is hard to coax into a slot. This is also true of him as human being for he is kalidiscopic in his interests and the way those interests are expressed through his guitar, voice and persona. In terms of his lyrics the word whimsy comes to mind. But whimsy is but a shill to lure you into his lair where you soon come to realize that what you are hearing is anything but Chinese food for your soul. Brian deftly and sweetly performed his own composition "Hipsemantic Centennial" at the 2006 Centennial Hiparama Celebration of His Lordship's brief turn on the sphere. Dig the links below:

L I N K S:

RIFFS - Report from Portland
Brian's lyrics for "Hipsemantic Centennial [coming soon]
Pics from the 2006 Portland Hiparama show [coming soon]
Brian's own website


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Dalzell, Tom

Slang expert and author. Tom has studied the "Hipsemantic" extensively and featured it in a section of his excellent slang book "From Flappers to Rappers". He has called Lord Buckley one of the great voices of the 20th Century.


citation for "From Flappers to Rappers" in the bibliography at LBC


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[1929 - 1995]

A person of the theatre and film worlds, appeared with Buckley and Del Close one night in 1960 in Chicago at The Gate of Horn in a performance billed as "The Seacoast of Bohemia.


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[1931 - 1955]

'50s actor of much promise who's life ended tragically in a car wreck. Since then James Dean has become a major icon symbolising teenage angst and rebellion. His most recent incarnation is on a 32 cent US postage stamp. Buckley does a lovely tribute to Prince Dean in James Dean (Message to Teenagers)


read Lord Buckley's James Dean at LBC


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Has probably the world's largest collection of comedy records. In his book Laughter on Record he compiled the first discography of Buckley records.


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DEWITT, BOB [The Rebellious Duke of Topanga]
[1913 - 2007]

Bob Dewitt was co-owner, along with his wife Doi, of the Job Restaurant in Topanga Canyon in Los Angeles in the '50s. Bob at that time was a swingin' barefoot real estate agent filled with the sweet juice of life. When he meet Buckley he found a kindred spirit and the two of them hooted and hollered their way through many a night at the Job Restaurant. It was at that restaurant that The Church of The Living Swing came into being.


read Bob Dewitt's obit at LBC


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[1912 - 2011]

Doi Dewitt was co-owner, along with her husband Bob, of the Job Restaurant in Topanga Canyon in Los Angeles in the '50s. Doi (pronounced Dough - E) had the scarfin' riff down right and tight and she was with it all the way menu style. Doi dug The Lord for his use of language and his wild inventiveness. In Doi and Bob's later years they days lived on their land near Yosemite where they grew their own food and entertained the occasional guests with tales of The Lord and others from their richly full lives.


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Avante Garde flutist who has been called the "Paganinni and Jimi Hendrix of the flute." Dick combines his considerable classical training with a tremendous gift for pushing the creative envelope. He has written several pieces inspired by Lord Buckley's work, including A Black Lake With A Blue Boat On It and My Own Railroad.


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[1924 - 2010]

Owner of The Village Gate and well known figure in Greenwich Village cultural and political affairs. D'Lugoff was deep into the fray with the Citizen's Action Committee trying help Lord Buckley get his Cabaret Card back. Buckley played at the Gate just before his last gig at The Jazz Gallery. Harold Humes was trying despartly to keep Buckley afloat and he beseeched D'Lugogg to get some some money over to Lord Buckley. According to Hume, "To his eternal credit, D'Lugoff asked no questions, but immediately sent money over."


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DREW, JAMES [Prince James]
[1929 - 2010]

Pianist, composer and playwright that swung with His Lordship in the mid to late '50s in Chicago and Miami. Prince James encouraged and worked shoulder to shoulder with Lord Buckley to up the cultural ante at many a watering hole in the aforementioned cities. Along the great swingin' road of life he collected any number of honors, including a Guggenheim Fellowshop, support from the Rockefeller and the NEA. He served with distinction on the faculties of such universities as Yale and UCLA. His work has been featured on PBS. He was the first director of the GREYWOLF Institute.


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Singer and songwriter. Early in his career Bob Dylan performed Black Cross, one of Lord Buckley's signature pieces.

L I N K S:

Bob Dylan website


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EINSTEIN, ALBERT (aka The Hip Einie)
[1879 - 1955]

Theoretical physicist, Nobel Laurate, originator of the theories of relativity. Reluctant father of the atomic bomb. Lord Buckley pays hip and reverant homage to Einstein in his monologue The Hip Einie.

L I N K S:

everything you would ever want to know about Albert Einistein

Lord Buckley's The Hip Einie at LBC


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Performer Jason Eisenberg lives in Groton, MA and makes his living building custom pads for cats and kitties to stretch out in. Sir Jason is the Head Head of the Lord Buckley Reincarnation Ensemble, a truly swingin' gathering of hipsters and flipsters that blow where few dare to go. Jason's voice conjures the beauty of the Lord Buckley's basement register which Sir J. puts to sweet and groovy service in his rendition of The Hip Gan, The Nazz, The Gettysburg Address and many other of The Lord's hippest riffs. Please check out Jason's earth angel story of How Lord Buckley Got To Heaven in the Faux For All Section at LBC

L I N K S:

Dig Sir Jason blowing The Hip Gan at LBC [coming soon]

Read How Lord Buckley Got To Heaven at LBC

Beat Scene Magazine interview sample at LBC [coming soon]



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FEGA, MORT [Crown Prince Mort of Fega]

Legendary seminal jazz radio host, jazz record producer, jazz concert MC, jazz writer, jazz historian and jazz record collector. Dig this jazz ! Mort Fega and Lord Buckley were fast friends. They shared the hipster patois as well as a love of music. Mort's beautiful pipes graced many an hour of jazz radio programming in New York City. He gave the euology at His Lordship's sending off ceremony.


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[1919 - 2021

Beat poet, City Lights Bookstore founder and publisher. Central to the San Francisco beat scene, Ferlinghetti published "Hiperama of the Classics" in 1960 and again in 1980. One of his better known volumes of poetry is "A Coney Island of the Mind," published in 1958. Upon surveying Fehrlinghetti's abode His Lordship exclaimed "A fairy tale palace, Your Majesty!!".


Wiki on Lawrence Fehrlinghetti



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Half of the famous Buckley Everyman duo of Fred and Charlie. Fred and Charlie appear in several Buckley routines including Governor Slugwell and The Train


Lord Buckley's Governor Slugwell at LBC

Lord Buckley's The Train at LBC



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FOREMASTER, LEWIS[(aka Prince Lewis]
[1932 - 2006]

Lord Buckley's last Aide de Camp. When Lewis met His Lordship in 1958, Buckley was, not atypically broke, and the young, eager prince had a new set of wheels: a bright red VW van with the longest sunroof any cat ever dug in their life. Lord Buckley immediately engaged Lewis to cover the action of driving and to manage the money and to carry on and go a little crazy. The two had a great, swinging time of it, going from one gig to another. A great friendship grew between them. It was Lewis' van that served as the Royal Bus during the Cosmic Tour a cross country trip that ended sadly in New York with Buckley's death. Lewis was there when Buckley became sick, calling Ed Sullivan to seek his help in getting His Lordship to the hospital. He is one of the last people to have seen him alive. And the good prince can still wail on Buckley's routines doing machine gun renditions of The Pied Piper, The Nazz, The Raven and many others.


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GANDHI, MAHATMA (aka The Hip Gahn)
[1869 - 1948]

Indian political leader, credited with leading the people of India in their successful bid for freedom from British rule in 1947. He was fond of wearing simple clothing and spinning thread on a spinning wheel. He is given a most entertaining spin in the Buckley piece The Hip Gan.


a Mahatma Gandhi website

Lord Buckley's The Hip Gahn at LBC


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GIBSON, HARRY "The Hipster"
[1915 - 1991]

Wild spirited pianist and hip entertainer that introduced the world to a number of briliant novelty songs such as "Who the Benzadrine In Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine?" and "Get Your Juices At The Dueces". Harry claims that he invented the term "hipster" sometime between 1939 and 1945. He was deeply familiar with the millieu having grown up on the edge of Harlem and spoke an authentic jive. He was also a close friend of Lord Buckley's. There are tales of Buckley and Gibson cutting up more than a few jackpots down in Florida. A film about Harry called "Boogie In Blue" was made shortly before he self swooped the sphere in 1991.


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The hippest denizen of a lump of rock known as the Hungry I Land. Go Man Van Gogh was perhaps the most memorial character of the Bob Clampett cartoon series "Beany and Cecil". This bongo playing, tree swinging, jaguar driving character was voiced by Lord Buckley in 1960 in an episode titled "The Wildman of Wildesville." Of incidental interest was the use of Scatman Crothers to announce the title at the top of the episode. This episode is included in a DVD titled "Bob Clampett's: Beanie & Cecil - The Special Edition"


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A character from the 1952 film "We're Not Married". Lord Buckley, as a dour radio producer, and uncredited in the film, plays second fiddle to Fred Allen and Ginger Rogers in a scene that he later recalled as "a very long, interesting stinker." The film is probably most notable for the appearance of Marilyn Monroe in one of her earliest Hollywood movies.


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The white man's preacher. Also the antagonist of Cleveland's Joseph S. Newman's racially charged poem "Black Cross". Reverend Green, "of the white man's church", makes a visit to poor black farmer Hezikiah Jones, the results are all too predictable to those familiar with bigotry American style.


read Lord Buckley's version of Black Cross at LBC


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GRIEF, GEORGE [Disraeli]
[1923 - 2007]

Influential personage in the music business. He began his career by managing Lord Buckley. In the mid 1970s he attended a dinner party in France for former Beatle George Harrison. He and Harrison stayed up all night talking about Buckley. Greif provided Harrison with the phrase Crackerbox Palace, which eventually found it's way into the Harrison song of the same name.


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Bandleader and producer. Griffen played on some Buckley records and also produced and engineered a most immaculately hip aristocrat. Is he the Lyle Wyle D'Wild that Buckley mentions in The Bad-Rapping of the Marquis De Sade? He also produced "The Flight of the Saucer" single.


Lord Buckley's The Bad-Rapping of the Mf7846




arquis de Sade at LBC


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GRIFFITH, CHARLES B. [Prince Charles)]
[1930 - 2007]

Screenwriter. Prince Charles went way on out to longitude 774 and wrote it down and it was called Little Shop of Horrors. He also made the celluloid scene with Death Race 2000 and "Attack of the Giant Crab Monsters." He knew His Lordship during the swingin' '50s. Charles remembers Buckley as a kind hearted genuis who cared greatly for the plight of black Americans and as somebody who would bring over a crate of cabbages as a gift.


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Journalist and radio host. The Good Prince Klas is one of those Aurora Borealis cats that swings up north in the Icey Dicey, Stockholm, Sweden to put a hip point on it. On December 28, 1999 at at 6:10 PM he hosted a show on Swedish radio (Sveriges Radio P1) called Klas Gustafson återupptäcker monologernas mästare Lord Buckley Dig that crazy jazz. And double ply gassed, it repeated on December 29th!!! In addition, Klas has written a find article on His Lordship in Swedish title Lorden som bildade skola för många artister (in English: The Lord Who Became a Performer's Performer). You can dig this article at this website (in Swedish and English) in the "Printheads" Section at LBO.


read Lorden som bildade skola för många artister at LBC

read The Lord Who Became a Performer's Performer at LBC


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[1943 - 2001]

Screenwriter. Prince Charles went way on out to longitude 774 and wrote it down and it was called Little Shop of Horrors. He also made the celluloid scene with Death Race 2000 and "Attack of the Giant Crab Monsters." He knew His Lordship during the swingin' '50s. Charles remembers Buckley as a kind hearted genuis who cared greatly for the plight of black Americans and as somebody who would bring over a crate of cabbages as a gift.


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Buckley interpreter and actor, Rod Harrison lives in Sante Fe, New Mexico. He is an accomplished and multi-talented actor, dancer, and standup comedian. He has an eerie resemblance to Lord Buckley and his considerable acting skills send his performance way on up into the high altitudes of the Hiposphere.

L I N K S:

photos of Rod Harrison as Lord Buckley at LBC

YouTube links to Rod Harrsion performing as Lord Buckley

Jonah and The Whale
The Horse's Mouth
The Nazz

Rod's Lord Buckley site


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When you're listening to the Great Master do The Nazz on that gone piece of wax from the Ivar Concerts, and you dig the sweetest, deepest, most ebony of timbres backing up His Lordship, then you are deeply diggin' Lady Dorris Henderson. Lady Dorris was way gone with the folk music scene and in the mid '60s made the scene in London Town where she did two albums with master string man John Renbourn. Her Grace has enjoyed a long and illustrious singing career and is considered one of the British Isles greatest imports. Lady Dorris is still singing and still swingin' and lives quite happily in the Ol' Smoke. So direct those lobes to her two great albums: There You Go (Columbia Records) and Watch The Stars (Fontana Records)


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Buckley's brilliantly twisted version of the Walter Mitty character. As the establishing shot hits the screen in Buckley's word film Murder, we find Henry and his wife in a flat in Greenwich Village, Henry is covered in blood, the head of his wife "is not on her body". Henry's histrionic psycho-sexual confession does homage to the obligatory harsh-lamp-in-the-suspects-face scene in the noir movies of the 1950s.


Lord Buckley's Murder at LBC


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Chicago area stage and film actor and voice over artist. His Majesty the Thespian dug deeply into the role of His Lordship in the recent Prop Theatre production of Charles Pike's Seven Ply Gasser. Henzel is known widely in the mid west for his uncanny interpretations of characters as wide ranging as Ronald Reagan and Mark Twain. Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day. Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day. Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day. Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day. Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day.Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day.Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day.Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day.Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day.Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day.Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day.Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day.Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day.Henzel will also be familiar to filmgoers as the radio voice in Bill Murray's Groundhog's Day.


HMTT's Web Site


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[1920 - 2010]

Brooklyn dodger Gene Hermanski appeared, along with NY Yankee Phil Rizzuto, as one of the stooges for Lord Buckley's Chairs routine on Ed Sullivan's first television program "Talk of the Town" in 1949.


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HOBSBAWM, ERIC (pen name: Francis Newton)
[1917 - 2013]

Eric Hobswbawm is one of the wiggiest of the wig stretches in the Lord Buckley demi-monde. Marxist scholar, theorist and historian, prodigious author and occasional jazz writer (under the nom de jazz Francis Newton), Eric was born, appropriately enough for an author, in Alexandria, Egypt in June of 1917. His father was English, his mother Viennese. He grew up in Vienna and Berlin and found himself, at the age of fifteen, orphaned and living in Britain. He took his PhD at Cambridge in 1947. His life, his efforts and his experiences reach far beyond the boundaries of this small description. Suffice it to say that he dug The Lord and laid a beautiful tribute on the populance with his rememberance "Death of a Peer".

L I N K S:

Get way with the action by digging Eric's interview here at LBC


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Performer and writer. Mikhail's performance of his The Shooting of Dan's Guru at the April 12, 1996 Buckley 90th Birthday Bash was a highlight of the evening. Horowitz's brilliant use of language and parody was much in the offing. Dig this crazy take on a take on the Faux For All page.

L I N K S:

See Mikhail doing The Shooting of Dan's Guru at LBC

Read Mikhail's The Shooting of Dan's Guru at LBC

Read Mikhail's For Richard Lord Buckley at LBC


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[1946 - 2006]

Actor and stand up comedian. Hostetter's impressions of Buckley on Roger Steffan's three part series on Lord Buckley brought the spirit of His Lordship right into the studio with performance of His Lordship's routines and Buckley's description of an LSD experience. Catch Prince John's act on the Murphy Brown show.

Dig John's Buckley inspired art work [Coming Soon]


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[1926 - 1992]

Novelist, one of the founders of the the Paris Review. Lord Buckley was to have done a voice over for Humes film project "Don Peyote", but the bugbird got to His Lordship before His Lordship could get to the podium. On November 12, 1960, broke, scared and hungry (having been the victim of New York City police harrassment) Lord Buckley called Hume for help. Hume sent him money but alas it was a sad drag for His Lordship took a cab very soon after that. Humes helped to create and was the leader of the Citizens Emergency Committee after Buckley's death. Humes wrote an article for the May 1961 issue of Swank magazine titled His Lordship's Last Days.


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Ivan exists in the Ural Mountains of His Lordship's far out wig. He (and the Lads) were "flirting with uranium" in His Lordship's grand approach to laughing at the Big One in H-Bomb.


Read Lord Buckley's H-Bomb at LBC


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Fine art painter. Ingalls' education in art began early. She first studied with her father, Richard Ingalls, who created the Art Department at Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. She continued at the Accademia Delle Belle Arte inFlorence, Italy in 1977, then returned home to earn her Bachelor of Arts degree from Gonzaga in 1979.She later worked with Frederick Frank in New York and subsequently studied oil painting under Ron Lukas in Seattle.

More recently she has studied with Richard Schmid and Burt Silverman.Strong color and sound drawing are primary in her paintings. Her choice of simple subject matter is surprising, sometimes humorous, and always full of emotion. Portraits, still lifes and interior scenes populate her studio.

A table with chairs, a diner counter top, rubber boots standing by a kitchen door, even a bowl of cherries - all evoke a sense of humanity and presence, as if someone is either about to enter the frame or has just left it.

Pam has exhibited in over 125 national and international juried art shows, where she's won more than 60 prizes. Her work has exhibited in 28 states, and is in collections in several countries. Her swinging pencil sketch of His Lordship is her first excursion into the sphere of the terminally hip.


Pam Ingalls website

Pam's sketch of Lord Buckley [Coming Soon]


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Author of Introduction to the Hearing of Lord Buckley available for reading at this web site.

L I N K S:

Read Introduction to the Hearing of Lord Buckley at LBC


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JJANIGER, DR. OSCAR [The Great Oz Head and The Head Head]
[1918 - 2001]

Psychiatrist, pioneer LSD researcher, administered LSD to many famous people in Hollywood, including Lord Buckley. His Lordship dubbed Janiger "The Great Oz Head" and, in his LSD journal written about the effects of Dr. Janiger's experiment, referred to the good doctor as the "Head Head." The Great Oz swung out of the big race on August 17, 2001.


Read An interview with The Great Oz Head at LBC


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Author of Introduction to the Hearing of Lord Buckley available for reading at this web site.

L I N K S:

Read Introduction to the Hearing of Lord Buckley at LBC


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the tragic hero of Cleveland's Joseph R. Newman's poetic exploration of race and religion. Hezikiah, a poor dirt farmer, "as black as the soil he was hoeing", gently rebuffs the inquistor style questions of the red faced white preacher Reverend Green, and for his troubles he ends up swingin' "as high as a pigeon."


Read Lord Buckley's Black Cross at LBC


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a friend of The Nazz, not schooled in the arts of foot travel on the high seas. Dip into Jude's riff in The Nazz.


Read Lord Buckley's The Nazz at LBC


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Tom Dale Keever is a Graduate Fellow in Theater at Columbia University studying Renaissance and Modern Drama. He has taught at Fordham University and Marymount Manhattan College. Before returning to academe he followed a twenty year career in the profesional theater where he performed many classic roles, including Lord Buckley in his one-man show Lord Buckley: High Priest of the Church of the Living Swing.

L I N K S:

Prince Keever's email address

Prince Keever's Lord Buckley Spectacular


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[1950 - 2020]

A multi-talented hipster that hailed from Manchester, England (the land of The Lord's before daddies before daddies.) CP was doing a grand interp of The Master back in the long ago time of the 1970's, dropping audience jaws with his machine gun Buckley riffs and his laser guided timing (it doesn't hurt that he was also an accomplished musican and stage performer.) CP taught at Salford University and managee the occasional Lordly conjuring act at the King's Arms and in some little gin joints on the pettycoats of Paris.


Dig the Lee au Pareé "God's Own Drunk"


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[1809 - 1865]

16th President of the United State of America. Assassinated at the end of the Civil War. Rechristened "Lanky Linc" by His Lordshop. Buckley's reworking of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is a beautiful effort worth the listen.

L I N K S:

an Abraham Lincoln website

Read Lord Buckley's The Gettysburg Address at LBC


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An unseen and unheard, but royally appreciated, character in His Lordships's fantasy of the "conquering" of the New World by Ferdinand the First of Spain in The Gasser.


Read Lord Buckley's "The Gasser" at LBC


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[1926 - 2010]

A musician and electronic engineer, inventor of Boobam drums, who, in 1945, knew a comedian in Chicago named Dick Buckley. Later Bill would move to Sausalito, California and encounter the same cat with a new handle: Lord Buckley. Buckley even stayed with Loughborough for a month in an old shipyard. Loughborough had a recording studio in Sausalito where he recorded His Lordship.


Boobams on Wiki


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MACEY, DR. JIM [Prince James]
[1950 - 2020]

Opthalmologist and friend of Lord Buckley, he is a Buckley scholar and regaled radio listeners with Buckley stories on Roger Steffans three part radio series on Buckley.


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[1928 - 2006]

Sax player and Hollywood Club owner. Jimmie helped kept a little bread on Lord Buckley's table in the middle '50s by hiring His Lordship to do an extended engagement at his Hollywood club the Sandbar. Jimmie and his band also backed Lord Buckley on many an occasion. "We were part of his act." says Jimmy. present Jimmie's last club in Glendale, California was called the Capri . He also wrote a column for Jim Philbrook's record magazine, Record Convention News.

L I N K S:

Jimmie Maddin's website


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MARLOWE, VAUGHN [Prince Vaughn]
[1929 - 2017]

Poet and playwright. Marlowe had the pleasure, half a dozen times, of His Lordship's company in Palo Alto in 1960. Once, when answering a knock on his door by His Majesty, he was greeted with the words "Lay a roach on the Lord". Prince Vaughn also "performed" Black Cross with Joan Baez one supremely fuzzy night around a campfire in Carmel, California in 1966. Please check out the interview with Prince Vaughn at this web site.


Vaughn Marlowe Interview


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Jazz musician and composer who wrote a radio musical called The Naz: A Bebop Drama; working on another radio production about Christ's birth called Lil' Naz.


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[1950 - 2015]

Bay Area poet and firmly ensconced landlord. Whitman's work includes the beautiful rap video White Folks Was Wild Once Too. His poetry can be experienced lobewise at And please read Whitman's Hipsemantic version of King David at this web site on the Faux For All page.

L I N K S:

Read Little Davy Hepstar at LBC

Dig The Whit home style at


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MCGUIRE, TERRY [Prince Cougarhead]

a friend of Lord Buckley's upon whom His Lordship bestowed "Standing Lessons". According to Prince Eaglehead (Ed Randolph) Prince Cougarhead was in the delivery business. And Prince Owlhead (Dick Zalud), in an interview with LBC curator Michael Monteleone was quoted as saying, "Now there was a guy there, he had a head just like, I swear to God, a cougar. And he was Cougarhead."


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MEXICO, ROGER (Marquis De Mexico)

Actor, writer, composer, filmmaker, choreographer of large ferry boats - Roger Mexico is currently working with LBC curator Michael Monteleone on "Too Hip For The Room"a documentary film about Lord Buckley. He is also president of Atelier Lumiere De Couer, a multimedia company based in San Pedro, California. Known for his unique filming techniques, and his always insightful, heart centered interview questions Mexico is a renaissance man in the guise of a whirling Sufi mystic madman. He is the inventor of the Jimmy Stick™ and credited with improving the performance of the Jenckes Reverse Threaded Flow Valve (Patent Pending).


Mix it up with the Marquis at

dig the Marquis' (as btakeshi) videos here at LBC in the Video section [Coming soon]

and double dig the Marquis' wig stretching video collection at YouTube (also as


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[1891 1980]

A very hip 20th Century author of a novels and essays. His most famous books being "Tropic of Cancer" and "Tropic of Capricorn." Miller was a big fan of Lord Buckley's who would order stacks of Buckley's records to give as presents. He and Buckley also had a lively correspondence. It was Miller who made a gift of "Adventures In The Interior of America" by Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca De Gasca, which Buckley read and converted to the classic routine, "The Gasser"


Henry Miller Library


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His Lordship's vast and uncensored imagination conjured up this giant of a man with a face like a "diamond hatchet" and an appetite that included everything from "chicks - carefully woven together" to "rump of small boy." In his shadow exploring epic L'Histoire de Juliette, the real Marquis de Sade presented Minski as a Russian giant who eats the flesh of humans, which he generously offers to his guests (does that sound a shade familiar?) Sade was said to have based his portrait of Minksi on a mythical personage from the murky waters of Russian folklore. If you haven't already, meet this prince of darkness in The Bad-Rapping of the Marquis de Sade.


Read Lord Buckley's The Bad Rapping of the Marquis de Sade at LB


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[1911 - 1990]

Highly accomplished documentary filmmaker who, in the course of creating a film about the city of Chicago happened upon Studs Terkel. Terkel took him to the a small nightclub called the Gate of Horn where Mitchell captured the only known footage of Lord Buckley performing "The Nazz". Mitchell other film include "Morning In the Streets", "Eye to Eye" and "BILL SMAILES OF CRASTER"


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Filmmaker and curator of Past exploits include stints as a rock 'n' roll drummer, family therapist, and computer programmer.


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His Lordship's concise and forthwright name for a member of Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca's ill fated crew of Spainish shipwreck survivors. In the historical account his name was given as Estevan and he was identified as an African slave.



read "The Gasser" at LBC

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MUPO, Don [The Marquis De Mupo]

Don Mupo is the still hip and gracious cat who owned the Gold Nugget, a nightclub in '50s Oakland, California. It was here that the famous album "The Bad Rapping of The Marquis De Sade" was recorded.


See The Bad Rapping of the Marquis de Sade album at LB



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[1915 - 1987]

Trombone player and leader of the San Francisco dixieland band the Turk Murphy Band. His Lordship and Murphy cut as many as half a dozen sides that exist today in acetate form (they were never issued on vinyl.) In the '50s Turk Murphy and art gallery owner Charles Campbell opened a nightclub together in San Francisco.

L I N K S:

Turk Murphy extended biography


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[0 - 33 AD]

Buckley's sassy and affectionate moniker for Jesus of Nazereth. Though the actual life of the historical Jesus is difficult to document, very few in the western world are without at least a little knowledge of the Jesus Christ of religious fame. Buckley's brilliant routine The Nazz, is far from the cynical commentary on religion one might anticipate from a modern nightclub performer. His Lordship instead vaunces beyond the double kicks to bring the listener to a space where they can shout a hip hallelujah at this famous carpenter's magnificent parlor tricks.

L I N K S:

a Nazz website

Read Lord Buckley's The Nazz at LBC


top of page

[37 - 68]

Corpulent and corrupt Roman emperor, known for the extraordinarily bloodthirsty nature of the "Games" at the Coliseum under his watch. Vain and petty, he was reputed to have written bad poetry and to have been seen playing a violin like instrument while the city of Rome was consumed in a conflagration. Lord Buckley provides us with a laser precise satire of this famous fiddler.


Read Lord Buckley's Nero at LBC


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[1891 - 1960]

Cleveland poet, author and newspaper man. Newman wrote a book titled "It Could Be Verse" which included a poem titled "Black Cross". This is the very same poem that Lord Buckley used for one of his more poignant and powerful routines on race in America. In a live recording of "Black Cross" Lord Buckley incorrectly identifies Newman as the "beloved grandfather" of the actor Paul Newman. He was, in fact, Paul Newman's uncle.


read "Black Cross" here at LBC


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O'DAY, ANITA [The Princess of Swing]
[1919 - 2006]

Jazz Singer. Her book Hard Times, High Times has two large sections dealing with her memories of Lord Buckley in Chicago during the 1930's.


Read Anita's obituary here at LBC

Wiki Entry for Anita O'Day


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A back east cat with a hip eye for the verisimilitude scene. You can dig this swingin' stud's photo riff and digital handiwork in The Royal Gallery.


Bob Oliver's art work at The Royal Gallery [coming soon]


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He was a very bad bad cat indeed!", a character in Buckley's homage to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire: Nero. OO-BAP-A-LAP either enjoys or is the victim of (take your pick) a religious conversion.


Read Lord Buckley Nero at LBO


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[1925 - 1999]

Widow of Charlie Parker, she along with her late husband were familiar faces at The Royal Court.


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[1920 - 1955]

Seminal bebop saxophonist and frequent visitor at The Royal Court. According to Larry Storch and Dick "Prince Owlhead" Zalud, Lady Buckley gave Charlie Parker ballet lessons.

L I N K S:

Charlie Parker at Wiki

the official Charlie Parker website


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[1892 - 1984]

The powerful and long lived President of the American Federation of Musicians reigning from 1940 to 1968. Petrillo also ran the Chicago local of the AFM where he, no doubtly, encountered Lord Buckley. His Lordship tips his hip hat towards Petrillo in "The Hip Gan" describing the character Mr. Rabadee as "the Indian Petrillo".


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Former motion picture, television, and music industry stills photographer and dimensional expeditionary force leader Abe Perlstein is one of the unsung heroes of the Latter Day Royal Court of Lord Buckley. As Captain Abe, Ineffable Minister of Nonsense, and one of three principle organizers and co-producers of the latter six Lord Buckley Memorial Celebrations, Abe introduced some of the more far out and wig flip talent to those legendary events. And with great vision for the future he was able to facilitate invaluable video footage of members of the Royal Court whom were at the high inner circle of the inner circle at the very heart of the flip. These days he explores the depth and magic of our swingin' sphere developing, producing, and presenting a variety of 3-D stereoscopic media content through Abe Perlstein Stereo Photography


Abe's photos of Bob Dewitt's Memorial Gathering

Click here for Abe's website:


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Actor, playwright, artiste who makes with the sweet pen and ink to swing up some very groovy text in The Return of the Hip Messiah, a swingin' drama about His Lordship that recently laid them out at Chicago's Second City 40th Anniversary celebration. Some of Prince Charles' hip scrimshaw can be dug at this site in the Royal Gallery.


Charles Pike artwork at LBC [coming soon]


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[1809 - 1849]

Short lived author of 19th Century Gothic literature and poetry. Poe's was a gloomy and dark genius fueled by opium and who knows what kind of genetic superstructure. One of Buckley's seminal works is his rendition of Poe's The Raven. He (Buckley) tended to call Mr. Poe by the nickname "Eddie".

L I N K S:

Edgar Allan Poe museum

Read Lord Buckley The Raven at LBC


top of page


Stage and film actor, theatre director and playwright. As of 2014 Matthew runs the Ochre Theatre in Dallas, Texas where he staged "The Passing Show.

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As a singer/songwriter Brian QTN (some others write his last name as "Cutean") is hard to coax into a slot. This is also true of him as human being for he is kalidiscopic in his interests and the way those interests are expressed through his guitar, voice and persona. In terms of his lyrics the word whimsy comes to mind. But whimsy is but a shill to lure you into his lair where you soon come to realize that what you are hearing is anything but Chinese food for your soul. Brian deftly and sweetly performed his own composition "Hipsemantic Centennial" at the 2006 Centennial Hiparama Celebration of His Lordship's brief turn on the sphere. Dig the links below:

L I N K S:

RIFFS - Report from Portland
Brian's lyrics for "Hipsemantic Centennial [coming soon]
Pics from the 2006 Portland Hiparama show [coming soon]
Brian's own website


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The archtypal character from what many consider to be the first modern western culture novel "The history of that ingenious gentleman, Hildalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha" written by Spaniard Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra in 1605. Don Quixote was a man who, in his country retirement, some how cooked his wig reading too many books. He then sallied forth to right all wrongs in the world and made quite a mess in the attempt. He was a knight errant and the primary source for an animated film by Harold Humes titled "Don Peyote", which originally was slated to star Lord Buckley as the voice of Don Quixote. Richard Buckley Jr., in a 1992 interview with Skip E. Lowe, refers to his father as a Quixotic type character.


Don Quixote at Wiki


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The Hip Patrillo, the head of Indian musicians in His Lordships reverent opus The Hip Gan


Read Lord Buckley's The Hip Gahn at LB


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Randolph, Ed [Prince Eaglehead]
[1922 - 2004]

A member of the original Royal Court, Prince Eaglehead first met His Lordship in New York City in 1946 through his association with Buckley's manager George Greif. Many adventures followed, including the good Prince witnessing a number of historic recording sessions (he supervised and wrote liner notes for the legendary Parabolic Revelations sessions. He has, amongst many other talents, an expertese in carny slang. In his last years Prince Eaglehead could be found in the Sandwich Islands, smoking the curls off the shores of Honolulu.


Prince Eaglehead's Obit at LBC

Read Prince Eaglehead liner notes for Parabolic Revelations at LBC


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[1440 - 1483]

Earl Rivers, aka Anthony Woodville and Lord Scales, has had a long interest in the use of innovative technology for the dissemination of literature and ideas. Sir Thomas More called him "an honourable man, as valiant of hand as politic in council." His last moments are movingly dramatised in Richard III, Act III, sc. iii. He was a patron of Caxton and sponsored his printing press, the first in England. On this press was printed his translation of the wisest sayings of the greatest philosophers of the ages, the first published book by an English author. The works of Lord Buckley are a fitting addition to this oevre.


Sample Earl River's tasty transcriptions here at LBC


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[1917 - 2007]

Outstanding shotstop for the NY Yankees for 13 seasons (helping propel the Yankees to a 7 victories out of 8 journeys to the World Series). Hall of Famer Rizzuto went on to a career as one of the best loved announcers in all of baseball. Author Tom Dalzall called Rizzuto "one of the great voices of the 20th Century." In 1949 Rizzuto, along with Brookln Dodger Gene Hermanski, was a stooge for Lord Buckley's Chairs routine on Ed Sullivan's first television show "Talk of the Town."


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[1740 - 1814]

Famous and controversial French author and asylum inmate, known for his penchant for rather extreme sexual fore, during and after play. The Marquis is the inspiration for the word "sadism.", Lord Buckley whips up a wild story about "The Mark" and some of his buddy cats in The Bad-Rapping of the Marquis d' Sade - The King of the Bad Cats.


Read Lord Buckley's The Bad-Rapping of the Marquis de Sade at LBC


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[1919 - 2004]

Grover Sales was a tireless champion of jazz and jazz related topics. He was on the faculty of The Jazzschool and supplied the Bay Area with a wealth of published articles for 50 plus years. He was known for having strong opinions and for being a delightful contrarian, however he might disagree with that assessement.

Writer Doug Cruicshank laid this on us from Leah Garchik's March 8th column in the S.F. Chronicle: "P.P.S. Cultural historian and critic Grover Sales used to carry a card to leave in restaurants where music was played that he didn't like. "If we ate what we listened to,'' said the card, "we'd all be dead.'' Sadly, eighty four year old Grover Sales died on Valentine's Day of 2004. It was kidney failure and not musically based ecoli that carried him off.

L I N K S:

Check out Grover's Interview here at LBC



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Buckley interpreter Tony's adroit grasp of Buckley's vocal tour de force The Train was much in evidence at the 90th Buckley Birthday Bash on April 12, 1996.

L I N K S:

Check out Tony blowing The Train [coming soon]


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The world's greatest standup academician, Barry Sanders is currently a professor at Pitzer College in Claremont, California and a prolific author of books that stretch the known boundaries of practiced credulity. At 14 he talked both his father and the doorman into letting him attend a performance at an obscure nightclub in Hollywood called "Cosmo Alley". The performer? Lord Buckley. At eighteen, obssessed with comedy, Sanders struck up a friendship with Lenny Bruce attending 35 performances of Lenny's in as many days. After each night's show Barry and Lenny would spend half the night discussing the show, comedy and talking about everything else under the hipster moon. Also, at 18 he was a witness to the swingin', jumpin' mad beat ledgendary concert that Lord Buckley gave at the Ivar Theater.

A lover of words and language his whole life, Sanders recently was nominated for the Pulizer Prize by Harper Magazine for his latest book "Alienable Rights: The Exclusion of African Americans in a White Man's Land, 1619-2000". In 1994 Sanders received his first Pulizer nomination from Randow House for his book "A is for Ox: Violence, Electronic Media, and the Silencing of the Written Word." He has also written a gasser of a tome titled "Sudden Glory: Laughter as Subversive History".

L I N K S:

Dig Barry's interview here at LBC


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Co-founder of the Lord Buckley Memorial Celebration held in Southern California. There have been seven celebrations so far and they have drawn many gleeful Buckley aficionados. Mark is also one half of the mythical Ineffable Brothers.


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SCROOGE, EBENEZER (Ol' Scroogie Scrooge)

The tighest of the skinflint studs at the very heart of penury, is the original creation of a long winded cat you might have heard named Charles Dickens. Scrooge is the main character in Dicken's classic novel "A Christmas Carol." His Lordship manages to condense the lengthy tome into a breathless eight minute rocket ship ride that culminates in ol' Scroogie Scrooge becoming "the Lord's sweet boy." Those of you who know the original will be gassed by this treatment.


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Author and editor . Gene Sculatti is Director of Special Issues for Billboard magazine. He is the editor of The Catalog Of Cool (1982, Warner Books) and Too Cool (St. Martin's Press, 1993), and is the co-author, with Davin Seay, of `San Francisco Nights: The Psychedelic Music Trip 1965-1968 (St. Martin's Press, 1985). From1984 to 1987, he was the producer and co-host of the music-and-comedy radio series The Cool & The Crazy on National Public Radio's KCRW-FM, Santa Monica, Calif. Gene's article Hipster Saint Lord Buckley is available at this web site.

L I N K S:

Read Gene Sculatti's Hipster Saint Lord Buckley at LBC


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SERVICE, ROBERT (Bobby Service)
[1874 - 1958]

This swingin' wordsmith is most famous for his Yukon inspired poetry. Hn fact he was dubbed "the Bard of the Yukon". His Lordship found inspiration in one of Service's poems "The Shooting of Dan McGrew". Buckley translated it into the Hipsemantic and it can be found below in the Transcriptions section of The Word here at LBC.

L I N K S:

read "The Ballad of Dan McGroo" here at LBC
a Robert Service website


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SETTERHOLM, ELDON [The Earl of Eldon]
[1923 - 2011]

Eldon worked in Hollywood at the Technicolor Labs in the '50s. It was during this period that he happened upon The Lord performing in a club where he'd gone to get a hit of jazz music. Put off at first by The Lord's style he eventually got with it and became a champion for Lord Buckley. Eldon organized a number of concerts and took care of the ticket taking and publicity. He had numerous stories of Lord Buckley and still has a soft spot in his heart for the Great Swinger.


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[1564 - 1616]

When people think of England they think of The Beatles and William Shakespeare (not necessarily in that order). Shakespeare was/is the preeminent playwright of the British classical theatre. Buckleyhad a fondness for The Bard and renamed him Willie the Shake. Buckley created an extraordinary paraphrase of Marc Antony's Funeral Oration from Julius Ceasar and a dead on hipster version of MacBeth's "Is this a dagger?" speech. His Lordship produced perhaps the longest and wildest literary tether the world has ever seen.

L I N K S:

The Complete Works of Willie the Shake

Read Lord Buckley's "Marc Antony's Funeral Oration" here at LBC

Read Lord Buckley's Willie the Shake at LBC

Read Lord Buckley's "Is this The Sticker?" at LBC


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The Air Force officer that picked His Lordship up and drove him to Palmdale, CA for his one and only maniac's twist jet ride. Read about Captain Shalleck in Buckley Describes First Ride in a Jet! availabe at this website.

L I N K S:

Read Lord Buckley's Buckley Describes First Ride in a Jet! at LB


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SHEPARD, RICHMOND [Prince Richmond]

Director and producer. Mr. Shepard's work includes directing and acting in a variety of legitimate theater productions and numerous Mime shows (many perfomed at the Mark Taper Forum). He was the director, co-author and co-producer of Lord Buckley's Finest Hour, starring John Sinclair and produced in conjunction with Lord Buckley's eldest son Frederick L. Buckley. Don't miss the Richmond Shepard Interview at this website.

L I N K S:

Check out Sir Richmond's appearance at the 90th Buckley Birthday Bash [coming soon]

Read Richmond Shepard's Interview at LBC


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[1924 - 2005]

Bobby Short was a singer and pianist, the very definition of tuxedo elegance and velvet sophistication, and a perennial icon of the Big Apple cabaret scene.

It was at the Blue Angel club in NYC sometime in the 1940s that Short was treated to the regal attention of Lord and Lady Buckley.

Here's a quote from Oliver Trager's interview of Bobby for the book Dig Infinity!:

"I will always be thankful for the generosity he showed that night for a young kid up there trying to make it. And he brought up the audience's applause, which was wonderful for me.


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Tuolumne City historian with a keen interest in Lord Buckley. Simerley has documented a number of actual sites in and around Tuolumne that figure in the Buckley story. These sites include the family homestead, the Carter Cemetary, the south fork of the Tuolumne River and the front of the local pharmacy where the young Dick Buckley and his sister Nell supposedly busked for the local miners and lumbermen.

Simerely also performs Lord Buckley routines with his performing group The Traveling Bishops.


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[1915 - 1998]

Superstar singer, Sinatra was reportedly a big fan of Buckley's (even to the point of bowing when the two would meet) until Buckley, in the buff, lead a contingent, also in the buff, through the lobby of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Evidently this event got under The Chairman's skin and Buckley's name was taken off the short list.


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English film and stage actor, he played the title role in Richmond Shepard's Lord Buckley's Finest Hour, produced by Frederick L. Buckley. He has appeared with the Royal Shakespeare Company and at The Bristol Old Vic. His film credits include X Y AND ZEE with Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Caine.

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[1913 - 1997]

A star of stage, screen and television. Skelton and Buckley shared the stage in the Walkathons in the Midwest in the '30s.


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SLUGWELL, GOVERNOR (Governor Gulpwell)
[1917 - 2007]

A "magnificent political deity" in a routine of the same name by Lord Buckely.


Read Lord Buckley's Governor Slugwell at LBC


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[1943 - 2010]

DJ, voice over artist and computer visual artist, Robert O. worked as a DJ in the 60's,70's and 80's in Seattle on KJR-KOL-KVI and Is working voice over in Vancouver B.C.-- Greatly influenced by Lord Buckley..many of Robert O.'s roots geographically were much the same as Buckley's ancestors IE: Auburn Calif. Placer County and Seattle..Robert O. uses ZBrush to do his pictures of his Royal Hipness. Prince Robo's fine virtual brush work can be found in The Royal Gallery section at LBC.


The Royal Gallery

Animations of bent imagination called croodloops can be seen at his personal website (sorry inactive website)


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[1932 - 2007]

Owner and operator of a club in Laguna Beach, California named the "Blue Beet", 1959/60. His Lordship made the scene one night, requested employment and was immediately put to work delighting the populance. Prince Soffer says that The Lord also was the presiding host of a series of chicken dinners at the club. His most vivid memory is seeing Lord Buckley in profile back lit by a club light his face veiled in swirling cigarette smoke.


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Actor, creator and performer of his own one man show Are You There? A Hip History Lesson On The Life Of Lord Buckley , Speiser also created a one man show show based on Lenny Bruce called The World of Lenny Bruce


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Actor, voice over artist, recording producer and former host of Los Angeles radio program The Roger Steffens Show on KCRW, Los Angeles. In 1988 Steffens hosted three one hour shows about Buckley featuring Buckley appreciations from Dr. Oscar Janiger, Dr. Jim Macy, Doug Boyd, and John Hostetter. Steffens skill at making his guest feel at ease and his own love of Buckley made the three hours of the show seem far too short. Roger's latest project is an interactive CD that takes an in-depth look at the early career of musician Bob Marley.


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STEMPEK, WALT (Prince Voltaire)

Buckley discographer and archivist ,Walt Stempek is also the author of the Goldmine Magazine article "A Most Immaculately Hip Aristocrat". The article examines the life of Lord Buckley and has a great deal of information about the various release of his material.


The Wax - a LBC Discography

read "A Most Immaculatey Hip Aristocrat " here at LBC

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SULLIVAN, ED [Lord Edward]
[1902 - 1974]

New York newspaper theatre critic who hosted one of the most famous variety shows in television history. Sullivan is responsible for hipping us to the two B's: The Beatles and Buckley. Buckley appeared on two of Ed Sullivan's variety shows: The Toast of the Town and The Ed Sullivan Show performing his wild chairs bit and a straight version of Robert Services poem The Shooting of Dan McGrew. He and Sullivan became friends while doing shows for the troops during World War II.

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T., MR.

Lord Buckley's name for the Treasurer of the United States during World War II. Check out Mr. T's cool environs in The Hip Einie.

read "THe Hip Einie" here at LBC

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[1912 - 2008]

Author and radio interviewer. In August of 1960 Studs Turkel interviewed Lord Buckley for his show on WFMT, Chicago. Both Buckley and Terkel shine in this memorable interview.

L I N K S:

An interview with the interviewer [coming soon]

Read Studs Terkel's interview with Lord Buckley at LBC

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[1929 ? - 1983 ?]

Proprietor of the Jazz Gallery in New York City, Buckley was performing there at the time that his Caberet License was revoked in November of 1960.

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[1912 - 2006]

Her Royal Swingin' Majesty Elaine Thomasen is Lord Buckley's first cousin. Lady Elaine, firmly enthroned in her hilltop castle in the Santa Cruz area, is still cutting the Royal Rug and spreading bouquets of joy with her great humor, beautiful watercolor artwork and her vivid memories of her most unique relative. The Grand Dame and Keeper of the High Hip Flame of His Lordship's generous and bright eyed spirit will be 90 on May 29 of 2002. LBO is gassed by her presence on the sphere.

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[1929 - 2003]

In the late 1960's, he managed jazz talents like Kenny Burrell, Ahmad Jamal and Johnny Hartman. He had the memorable experience of meeting and sharing the righteous bush with Lord Buckley during His Lordship's last gig ever at the Jazz Gallery in New York City. Although he been a resident of Seattle since December 1978, Ted was a born, bred and convinced New Yorker. He had been an advertising executive, truck driver, commodity options salesman, addiction counselor and acting teacher. He was a friend of David Amram. He was known to have been working on his autobiography, Red, White and Black. It is not know if he completed the work.

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[1953 - 2016]

Gregory Toliver is a Pittsburg, Pennsylvania native with the joy of the rhythm of the beat of the ponce of Now coursing through his modest veins. The cat read humanties and music at Oxford, can recite Shakespeare at will and has a barrel of insights into life, liberty and the pursuit of meaning. His exposure to Lord Buckley goes back to his teenage years and his favorite uncle. Today he runs a corporate computer networking installation business in Southern California and is a writer of excellent short stories.


Dig Gregory swingin' interview here at LBC

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Biographer - The King of the Buckleyheads. Oliver has an extraordinary collection of taped interviews, rare recordings, countless articles, advertisements, and other memoribilia concerned with Lord Buckley. He has recently finished an exhaustive biography of His Lordship culled from interviews of many people that knew or were influenced by Lord Buckley. His article Stompin' the Sweet Swingin' Sphere! appears at this web site. Trager hosts a yearly evening of Buckley appreciation in New York City. When not embarked on the search for the Buckley Graille, he is most content when with his wife Elaine and son Cole.

L I N K S:

Prince Oliver wigs the Gathered with The Gasser [coming soon]

Prince Oliver lays in on with Black Cross [coming soon]

Read Oliver Trager's Stompin' the Sweet Swingin' Sphere! at LBC

Read Oliver Trager's liner notes for The Bad Rapping of the Marquis De Sade CD release


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Your Grace, like His Lordship said, "in order to know what it is to have nothing. You must have NOTHING!!!"

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[ca. 1490/1507 – ca. 1557/1559]

Spanish explorer circa 1528 AD. He was stranded in the New World for 8 years. Had extraordinary adventures crossing the vast and cruelly beautiful North American continent. In turns, he was captive, slave and finally celebrated healer purported to raise the dead using nothing but his faith in his God. At one time thousands of Native Americans followed him from village to village. De Vaca, through his travels and travails obtained a humility rare amongst the Conquistadors.

Author Henry Miller introduced Lord Buckley to Cabeza De Vaca by gifting him a book of the Conquistador's advenurs. Most likey he gave Buckley a copy of Haniel Long's 1936 work "Interlinear to Cabeza de Vaca". Translation of Cabeza de Vaca's journal is available in book form in this country, it is titled "Adventures in the Unknown Interior". Buckley pays tribute to Cabenza in The Gasser.

Special thanks to the intrepid Mike Weaver for the information on the "Interlinear".

L I N K S:t

Read Lord Buckley's The Gasser at LBC

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VENET, NIK [Prince Nik]
[1936 - 1998]

A legendary Los Angeles record producer. As a producer he discovered and/or produced, among many others, The Beach Boys, The Lettermen, Lou Rawls, Glen Campbell, Linda Ronstadt, Harriet Schock, Les McCann, Jim Croce, Dory Previn, Frank Zappa, John Stewart, Fred Neil, Rick Nelson, Gene Vincent, Wendy Waldman, The Walker Brothers, Sam Cook and Bobby Darin.

Nik was a talented and highly motivated young assistant at World Pacific Records in the 1950s when Lord Buckley blew into his life. Working under owner/producer Richard Boch, Nik helped produce recording sessions that eventually became some of the most famous albums in the Buckley canon. His responsibilities included getting Lord Buckley down to the recording studio each night after His Lordship finished his gig at the Club Renaissance. Nik has produced over 300 albums. Recently he produced a 4 CD box set of singer Bobby Darin's work. In 1997 he was heard on Fresh Air talking with host Terry Gross about Bobby Darin's music and their close friendship. Regrettably the Good Prince swooped the satellite on January 2, 1998.


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VERNON, MILLIE[(Lady Renaissance]
[1924 - 2009]

Jazz singer extraordinaire, married to Dick Zalud (Prince Owlhead), she and the good Prince knew Buckley both in the scene in Los Angeles and later in New York City. Check out the Speak The Jive section at this web site for an interview with Prince Owlhead and Lady Renaissance.

L I N K S:

Read an Interview with Dick Zalud and Millie Vernon at LBC

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WELLES, DR. MEL [King Farouk]
[1924 - 2005]

This was a cat with so much wiggage! Dr. Welles, swung with many a book: psychologist, actor, producer, director, writer and teacher. Featured performer in over 60 films and 300 hundred televison shows, he was also renowed for his voiceover work, having midwifed countless foreign films through the painful delivery to the American market. All hail to Prince Welles as he co-authored a number of His Lordship's routines.

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A deep voiced biblical leviathan of gigantic proportions, a creature not particularly fond of smokers. Jonah, emboldened by his intake of an herb the Great Lord hipped him to, was fond of calling The Whale simply "Fish", as in "What is it, Fish?" Get hip to this motherfluker in His Lordship's offering, Jonah and The Whale.


Read Lord Buckley's Jonah and The Whale at LBC


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Frederick C. Wiebel, Jr. is an artist and writer from Hagerstown, MD. Fred has turned his attention recently to writing and compiling information on his favorite subjects: early movies, '20s jazz music, blues, rock, comedy and the history of the phonograph and recording process. This love of music and their formats, has manifested itself in his art and writing. Wiebel is the editor and publisher of FIREZINE a fanzine dedicated to The Firesign Theatre. The interviews below are excerpts from extensive interviews Fred is conducting with members of the Firesign Theatre.


Dig Fred's FIREZINE Online

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[1925 - 2013]

Wacky and inventive comedian, who first met Buckley in Las Vegas. Buckley annoited him with the honorific Prince Jon. Please listen in as Doug Cruickshank Interviews Jonathan Winters at this website.

L I N K S:

Read Doug Cruickshank's Jonathan Winters Interview at LBC

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Your Grace, like His Lordship said, "in order to know what it is to have nothing. You must have NOTHING!!!"

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[1939 - 2021]

Al Young ws a writer and a Poet Laureate Emeritus of the State of California. He was a long time admirer of Lord Buckley's use of hip language. He found kinship with The Lord via his Junior High School experience of learning history lessons with his friends by turning said dry prose into very with-it language that he and his buddy cats used all the time.

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Sweet Sam Younghans was a hipster friend of Lord Buckley's in Miami Beach. Sam was a pleasure craft captain taking charters to the Caribbean. He and His Lordship would con people into letting them inspect their fancy houses under the pretense that Lord Buckley was in the market to buy a home in the local area. Sam remembers paying his respects to Buckley's remains at a New York funeral home. "I had my share of coke as did Buckley. He liked to sniff. As a matter of fact, I had a little with me when I went to see him when he was laid out. And, out of gratitude for knowing him I waved it around his nose to see if might not stir him a little bit."


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Mad and wickedly funny New York puppeteer (now living on the West Coast), star of Beakman's World science show. Zaloom admires Lord Buckley's theatrical prowess and employs a number of His Lordship's presentational devices in his wild and unpredictable, politically charged puppet shows. He is not to be missed.


Paul's website

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ZALUD, DICK [Prince Owlhead]
[1927 - 2013]

A halcyon day member of the Royal Court, drummer and record producer. Lord Buckley introduced Prince Owlhead to his future wife Millie Vernon (Lady Renaissance) in Los Angeles. They were married 43 years. David Buckley Zalud, their son, was named in His Lordship's honor. They now reside in New York City.

L I N K S:

Read the Interview with Dick Zalud and Millie Vernon at LBC

Prince Owlhead Obit at OBC

See Prince Owlhead at the 90th Buckley Birthday Bash [coming soon]


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[1940 - 1992]

American composer and musican, Zappa edited the tapes that were to become the a most immaculately hip aristocrat release. The Train on his 1970 compilation recording Zapped and Governor Slugwell on the 1991 release Bizarre/Straight Sampler

L I N K S:

"Zapped" liner notes

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Co-founder of the Lord Buckley Memorial Celebration held in Southern California. So far there have been seven joyous gatherings of the Buckley faithful. Zingeser is also one half of the legendary Ineffable Brothers.


Fred's website:

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