Riffs 2006



Wild Stardust Flips In The Fargonesphere

That perennial grand bandstand duo NASA and JPL are at it once again, this time reaching way on out there for some jumpin' comet kicks. And they are taking The Swingin' Lord with them!

Launched on a Motha Big rocket in Florida on February 7, 1999 the Stardust project first makes three loop-de-loops around the Big Heater before heading towards a celestial street corner meeting with a chilly hunk of interstellar ice called "Comet Wild 2"*. Once there it will collect samples and space type dust. In addition to all it's crazy spacehead apparati, on board are two microchips (plus copies of each chip), one engraved with 136,000 names and the other with 1,000,000 names. Included in those lists of names is the tag of our beloved Flipster Lord Buckley. The two engraved microchips will make the journey back to our sphere via the Sample Return Capsule. The other copies of the microchips will stay with it all the way and drift through the Fargonesphere digging infinity.Inquires at the JPL website yielded no clue as to who submitted Lord Buckley's name for the space ride so there is a hipster mystery way out there amongst God's Sweet Lanterns.Many thanks to Roger "The Marquis" Mexico for hipping us to this gasser of a news flip.

*Before you cats and kitties think that all them spacehead cats have cooled their angles and lost their octogon postures by calling that comet Wild you should dig that "Wild" is pronounced "Vilt" after it's Swiss discoverer.


Click to dig the Stardust riff

Dig the riff in Stereo



Candy Barr Wraps It Up
Candy Barr 1935 - 2005

by Roger The Marquis D'Mexico

The circle is diminished. Candy Barr, exotic dancer, poet and buddy cat of Lord Buckley departed this earthly sphere on Friday, December 30, 2005 in a Victoria, Texas hospital.

She was born Juanita Dale Slusher on July 6, 1935 in Edna, Texas. At 16 she appeared in the 1951 erotic film Smart Aleck. Rumor has it that she was forced to perform at gunpoint."Nita" survived, reinvented herself as Candy Barr, and went on to become a renown Burlesque performer working the Colony Club in Dallas. Had quite a following among the local swells and befriended Jack Ruby. She shot her estranged second husband in 1956. Luckily she only wounded him. "I was aiming for his groin!" She did hard time, not for the gunplay, but for possession of tea. Some say she was railroaded by an unsympathetic community in mortal fear of this Emily Dickinson reading rebel virtuoso of the artfully manipulated tease. The notorious mobster, Mickey Cohen, got a fist in the teeth when she suspected him of looking at another woman. Here was a righteous force of nature who plied her outlaw trade at the cultural perimeter of the buttoned down

Eisenhower years.

Then Lord Buckley blew into her life and the encounter would leave her transformed and a loyal fan. She fondly remembered her mad, whirlwind two week soiree with His Lordship in Dallas in the Fifties. The experience was a passionate, heartfelt education in the beautiful poetry of life. She held him in great regard as a teacher and mentor. Kindred spirits, on fire with life. "Ride the rhyme, that's what Lord Buckley taught me." Ride on Nita.

Roger The Marquis D'Mexico is the Riffs Section's first field correspondent. He reports primarily from Los Angeles but where he actually will file his stories from is anybody's guess. He is also the producer and coconspirator in the creation of the Lord Buckley documentary film, "Too Hip For The Room." In that capacity, he is moved by the passing of these hip elders, like Candy Barr, who hung with Lord Buckley and lived such adventurous and provocative lives.


Wiki citation



On a Cocoanut Island

Beloveds, we bring Thee news of a revolutionary nature - 33 RPM wise. Recently a sweet prince of the Latter Day Church of the Living Swing checked in with LBC to inquire as to the nature of a record he had in hand. He said the disc was titled "Comic Novelties" On side B of that disc was a track titled "On a Cocoanut Island" the artist listed was, dig this, Dick Buckley. If true this was the first known recording of Our Lord.

LBC checked in with comedy album collector Warren Devenham who confirmed that a disc called "Comic Novelties" did indeed exist. He was happily jazzed to learn that Dick Buckley was on that record. Some far flung binary research lead to a swingin' cat up in the icey dicey named David Lennick. Lennick is a jumpin' expert Recordhead who does his bit to save all the antique wax from the land fill scene. And he just happened to have passed the old Birch and Record Store many long flips ago where he had picked up on the current riff.

Lennick estimates this recording, a 10 inch on the Solitaire Records label, is circa 1949. LP records first made the scene in June 1948 so once again The Jumpin' Lord was on the scene early. So rejoice Beloveds, rejoice in the never ending surprise that is Lord Buckley.





Fayard Flips
Fayard Nicolas 1914 - 2006

Another bell is tolling sadly today, Beloveds, the Rhythm Royal Duke of the High Split Fayard Nicholas, 91, has taken his act on the road for the last time. Nicolas died Tuesday, January 24, 2006 of pneumonia and complications arising from a stroke. The sphere is not nearly as sweet today.

In 1928, at the age of 14, Fayard, and his younger brother Harold age 7, made their Vaudeville debute as The Nicolas Brothers. During a career that lasted through the 1940's they astonished audiences from one side of the Cherryland to the other with their extraordinarily precision and gravity defying tap dance moves. They were the pulse of jazz dance itself. Their movie star looks and their consumate professionalism made the leap to film a conclusion forgone (and I mean gone!) Their signature move was a full split accomplished without using their hands to get to their feet again. This feat, performed on the silver screen, dropped the jaws of more audiences members than anyone could count. The Nicolas Brothers influenced legions of dancers including Fred Astaire, Gregory Hines and Savion Glover.They worked many gigs with His Lordship and the admiration was swingin'ly mutual. They dug Buckley's unpredictable nature and he dug their genius level talent.

Harold Nicolas took a cab in 2000 and no doubt Fayard and he are now working out the new steps for their debut gig for the cat in the rosy rockin' chair.

Many thanks to Oliver Trager for hipping us to this sad but signifigant riff.


Official Nicolas Brothers website



Into the Mystic, Cohiba Style
Al Lewis 1910 - 2006

By Roger Marquis D'Mexico

Another Lord Buckley confidant rises up through the scented blue smoke of a fine Cohiba into the mystic. Al Lewis, actor, restaurateur, political activist and basketball scout, swooped this earthly sphere February 3rd at a glorious 95 years of age.

Lewis played Grandpa on the hit television show The Munsters, tuxedoed, fanged, lascivious and downright fun. He lived the life of a renaissance cat and grooved through the entire glorious spectrum from circus and burlesque to running on the Green Party ticket for Governor of New York. He lost to Governor Pataki, but managed to garner 52,000 votes. He acted in a number of films including "They Shoot Horses Don't They" and "Married To The Mob". Al did it all. He even earned a Ph.D in child psychology from Columbia.I fondly remember running into him at the Hotel Nacional in

Cuba during the Havana Film Festival several years ago. He had a freshly lit Cohiba that seemed about a foot long stuck in his mouth and was festooned with colorful political buttons and pins. The glint in his eye revealed a man fully engaged with an authentic life where politics and art fuse into the Sacred Fool.

He affectionately remembers Lord Buckley in Oliver Trager's definitive biography, Dig Infinity. "He was very inventive, creative, free-form. He came out of the stream-of-consciousness tradition." In Oliver's book he also fondly remembers His Lordship as "...the off-the-wall tilting-at-windmills Lord Buckley." Grandpa Lewis for President!

Editors Note: There is a gentle controversy concerning Al Lewis' actual age. Some sources site 1923 and while others, including our intrepid reporter, say April 30, 1910. LBC sides with it's reporter if for no other reason than it gives sweet Al Lewis another 13 years on the sphere.



CP Lee's Direct Line
After a painfully long absence from the boards, CP Lee, the UK's legendary Lord Buckley interpreter, will once again delightfully demonstrate his patented technique known as "The Direct Line" in his show "Dig Infinity! - Lord Buckley Live", "The Direct Line" is a spectacular application of scientific principles derived from the high inner circle of the circle at the very heart of acoustics. Your peepers and lobes will never be the same, Jack! Are you there? CP Lee channels Lord Buckley in Manchester (the site of the natal day swing of Our Lord's sweet daddy), from April 4 - 8th. You may not sleep at all if you don't make the scene, my Royal Beloveds!






Dig Infinity! - Lord Buckley Live'

4th to 8th April 2006
Manchester, England

Presented by CP Lee
Studio Salford
Kings Arms, Bloom Street (Bloom Street is a continuation of M/cr's Bridge Street)

Live Jazz - And a whole heap of Jive from 8 PM every night

reservations - 0161 834 3896


HRH Lee Website [not an active link]



A Sadder Day
Lady Elaine Thomasen 1912 - 2006

Has there been a sadder day at LBC, beloveds? I think not. News has reached us of the passing of Our Lord’s only surviving niece Lady Elaine Thomasen, age 94 swingin’ years old.

Lady Elaine, a gentle spirited and bright eyed painter of beautiful watercolors lived on a mountain top in Corralitos, California with blue skies and pine trees for her companions. The love of her life husband Tux had died years before.She was a great friend and fan of Lord Buckley’s her whole life. She made a noble effort to gather and record Buckley family history and anecdotes. Her recollections of her grandmother Annie Laurie Buckley, HRH’s mother, made one feel that they had met her. In July of 1998 LBC curator Michael Monteleone and discographer Walt Stempek made the pilgrimage to Lady Elaine's for a video interview. The then 86 year old Elaine proved to be a lively and valuable witness to the early life of Lord Buckley.

No funeral is planned but down the road a bit Lady Elaine’s friends will convene amongst the green trees and the blue summer skies to remember the beautiful life and times of a true member of the Royal Court, Lady Elaine Thomasen.



100 Jumpin' Candles

M’Lords and M’Ladies, the grandest of natal day swings is almost upon us. April 5, 2006 marks one hundred years since His Royal Hipness Lord Richard Buckley first made the scene. To celebrate this wild, mad taffy pull Buckley biographer Oliver Trager has assembled the greatest collection of Buckley interpreters the sweet, green sphere has ever seen. They will dazzle the populance on Friday April 7, 2006 at the Bowery Poetry Club in New York City. The evening features performers Tom Calagna, David Amram, Steven Ben Israel. Rony Clanton, Richard Corey, John Kruth, Oliver Trager, and Robert Dick. There will also be excerpts from Michael Monteleone's in progress Buckley documentary film “Too Hip For the Room” and, rumor has it, Lord Buckley's daughter, Lady Laurie Buckley, will grace the event with her regal and swingin' presence. Click here to see how you can help make this happen.

Those of you on the west coast of the Cherryland should check out the celebration in His Lordship’s home town Tuolumne. Click here for details

Those of you across the pond in the UK can dig the Lord via CP Lee in Manchester. Click here for details.

Make it, Jude !!!

Oliver Trager's Lord Buckley Birthday Bash

Friday, April 7, 2006
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery
New York, NY 10012

$15.00 at the door


Bowery Poetry Club website



Tuolumne Celebrates The Lord !

By David Simerly

If you were in New York City, the party would be at The Bowery Poetry Club. In Manchester, England at the Studio Salford. But here in the foothills, the party to commemorate the centennial of Lord Buckley's birth will be at the Tuolumne City Memorial Museum.

All three venues have some claim to the Buckley legacy. Born in Tuolumne, April 5, 1906, this lumberjack turned humorist died in New York City in 1960. His father, William, was born in Manchester.

All three will include live Jazz and performances of Buckley's most famous routines. But local revelers will also be present for the opening of the museum's Lord Buckley exhibit.

The celebration will begin at 7 pm Wednesday, April 5 at the museum located on the corner of Carter and Bay Streets in Tuolumne. Rare footage of Buckley, as well as interviews with family members and friends, will also be shown. Refreshments will be served and admission is free.

Buckley spent 30 years in show business, traveling throughout the country, creating his own brand of theater wherever he went - both on stage and off. His fans, and there are many, believe Buckley's boisterious antics and rants had an unmistakable, if sometimes hidden, influence on our popular culture.

The exhibit features the original album cover of Buckley's landmark 10" LP, Euphoria, released in 1954 on the Vaya label.

Vaya founder, Jim Dickson (who later became the manager of the folk rock band The Byrds) said that "retailers didn't know where to put it in the store because there were no comedy records back then."

Also on display will be a copy of the 1966 release Blowing His Mind - And Yours Too, a Lord Buckley poster designed by his son Richard Buckley Jr. and souvenirs from the Lord Buckley Memorial Celebrations which were held along the central California coast.

The exhibit, along with related research materials, were donated by The Wandering Bishops, a network of local performing artists who draw inspiration from Buckley's work.

David Allen Simerley is an Environmental Storyteller. His staged environments are used as tools to transmit cultural practices and ideas or to modify behavior and change values. He studied at the Prometheus Psychodrama Theater in Palo Alto and is founder of The Wandering Bishops, a network of performing artists who try to "build community" using the Arts.





The Royal Fund

You cats and kitties that want to knock a golden spike into the history books can get with it by contributing to The Royal Fund, a wild and swingin’ piggy bank dedicated to providing Her Ladyship Laurie Buckley transportation and digs so she can make the Big Apple for the 100th Buckley Birthday Bash. Any size donation is welcome. Check out the thank gifts below. And thank you, Your Grace!



The Queen Is In Res-See-Donce

You Cats and Kitties that dig the milestone scene are in for the hippest treat of the new millenium! News has reached LBC that Her Ladyship Laurie Buckley, the only daughter of Our Swingin' Lord, is confirmed as the Royal Honored Guest at Oliver Trager's Lord Buckley Birthday Bash, Friday April 7, 2006 at the Bowery Poetry Club in New York City.

Her Majesty, with the help of her loyal subjects (see The Royal Fund), will alight in Gotham in time for the 7 PM festivities. Her famed charisma and generous spirit will be much in evidence as she blesses the populance with her regal and swingin' presence.

Those of you who crave audience with Her Majesty best get there early!

Oliver Trager's Lord Buckley Birthday Bash

Friday April 7, 2006
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery
New York, NY 10012

$15.00 at the door


Bowery Poetry Club website



The Solid Sent Rhythm Of Love

Like the leading edge of a Multi Mother Laser Beam shooting the solid sent rhythm of love across the galaxy, the celebration of Lord Buckley's 100th Birthday continues to spread across the Great Cherryland.

All those gorgeous cats and kitties down Florida way will be stomping, hallelujah style, towards New Smyrna Beach, Florida on Wednesday, April 5th for a beauteous Jump, Flip and Spin (on every strata.) Buckley interpreter John Hostetter hosts this celebration of the life and legacy of Lord Richard Myrle Buckley from 4 - 6 PM. He shall call forth His spirit by performing many of Lord Buckley's classic tales.

Those of you interested in joining this swingin' seance can inquire at

john@johnhostetter.com [not an active link]



The Rose City Hosts LB's 100 Birthday Hiparama

The beautiful urban berg of Portland, Oregon, known throughout the sphere as The Rose City, with it's swingin' bridges, historic Columbia River, and a populance so hip they won't even eat a square meal, is preparing for the Coming of The Lord in a decidedly jumpin' event titled "Lord Buckley's 100th Birthday Hiparama". Featuring food, drink, live jazz and performances by author Oliver Trager, Buckley interpreter Jake Broder and others, the event is almost too hip to mention here!

Radio Host Daniel Flessas of KBOO-FM will MC this Thusday April 20th gathering of the Hipnoscenti. The night's festivities which include, dig this, Beloveds, an appearance by Buckley biographer Oliver Trager, scenes from Jake Broder's Buckley inspired play "Zam Zam Room", excerpts from the Buckley documentary film "Too Hip For the Room", testimonials from devotees and much more.

Be there or break out the octagonal wig polish!

Lord Buckley's 100th Birthday Hiparama

Date: April 20th, 2006
Time: Gathering at 6:00PM, things start jumping at 7:00 PM
Place: The Church of the Living Swing (aka David Morrison Books)
Corner of NE 6th and Prescott
Portland, Orgeon



A New Crown Prince Mystery?

The thought plickens, Beloveds, as we are scratching our wigs with the latest in Lord Buckley mysteries. The Steve Allen Theater in Hollywood, California will be hosting a live theatrical production titled "1958: A Retrospeculation" on Friday nights, for six weeks, starting April 7th, 2006. The show, written and staged by voiceover artist Joe Alaskey and writer/producer Martin Olson, promises that the attender will, amongst other wonders, "SEE Lord Buckley tell a story!!"

A call has been put in to His Grace Prince Alaskey's agency in an effort to explain the currently unexplainable.

One possible explanation might be that the Crown Prince HRH Richard Buckley Jr. will be repeating his 2005 Steve Allen Theater appearance where he laid "Jonah and The Whale" upon the faithful.

Any updates will be posted here for Your Grace's erudition.

Click on graphic for a larger version of the 1958: A Retrospeculation graphic


The Steve Allen Theater [not an active link]




Mystery Solved 1958 Style

Regal Cats and Kitties, we bring Thee good news, on the inside wire, that the latest Crown Prince Mystery is solved! Please see previous Riff article for the origin of the caper.

We are happy to announce that Lord Buckley will be channeled by voice actor Joe Alaskey himself in his tour de force one man show title “1958: a Retrospeculation.” Joe is considered one of , if not the, the greatest voice talents alive today (he is the inheritior of Mel Blanc’s portfolio of cartoon voices.)

Joe was kind enough to call LBC to discuss his inclusion of The Lord in his new show, written and directed by himself with additional materials and co-directed by Martin Olson, who also handles the musical direction of the show.

“The show is anchored in the year 1958. I do a scene of Orson Welles trying to raise money for a film, and Vincent Price giving a lecture about ‘The Fly’, and of course, I had to include my favorite comedian Lord Buckley.“

The scene for the Lord Buckley section will be the Buckley’s 1958 living room. Lady Buckley will be serving drinks to those gathered, and Alaskey, as Lord Buckley, will encourage audience members to join the Royal Court on stage for the festivities. The grand finale will be Lord Buckley performing his New World miracle story “Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca – The Gasser.”

“I first heard him in the ‘60s as a teenager. And I was struck by how different he was .” remembers Alaskey about his first exposure to Buckley, “He was much more serious than any other comedian I had heard. He used his stories to transmit beautiful humanistic points. And the Gasser has always my favorite routine. It is perfectly constructed. It is history, it is art and it’s entertaining. You tell me what’s not inspirational about Lord Buckley? And I’m excited that the show is going up at the same time as Lord Buckley’s 100th Birthday celebration.”

Joe kindly performed some of “The Gasser” on the phone and let me hip Thee, my noble hipsters, it was RIGHT THERE!

So, Beloveds, those of you on the Left Coast need to make a pilgrimage to the Steve Allen Theater to catch this more than swingin’ event.

“1958: A Retrospeculation” plays Friday nights at 8:00 PM starting April 7 at the Steve Allen Theater in Hollywood. Tickets are $10.

Steve Allen Theater
Center for Inquiry-West
4773 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90027

For tickets call 323.960.7785 or


Steve Allen Theatre [not an active link]

Click here for Joe Alaskey’s website [not an active link]



The Centennial - Marconi Style

My Noble Lords and Ladies, 'twas not only nightclubs, museums and sweet hipster pads that celebrated the Lord's 100th last week but rejoicing was heard also emitting from the mysterious and swingin' ethers of the world of radio. In La Crosse, Wisconsin, 'King' Daevid MacKenzie, host of the show "Echoes of a Century", dedicated his show to the life and work of Lord Buckley.

Recorded Buckley performances dominated the program with MacKenzie sprinkling in a bit of charmingly inaccurate history and a post mortem at the end of the hour.

Those of you who can stream Internet audio can receive the large charge by linking to the following URL:


LBC thanks Oliver Trager for the wig's up on this news item.





Stempek Snaps Away Digital Style

Buckley Discographer Walt Stempek has returned from the front lines having witnessed the grand swingin' 100th Buckley Birthday Bash in New York City from a front row table. He snapped away with his digital camera like a madman at a taffy pull and he has graciously laid the images on LBC.

You will find Stempek's swingn' black and white images in the Snap Snap Snapin' section (see link on the left.)





Report From The Field: Tuolumne

My fine Princes and Noble Princesses we are starting to receive reports from all over the realm about last week's Centennial festivities. We are triple flipped to present this narrative from His Lordship's home town of Tuolumne, California. The swingin' scribe is Tuolumne historian and Buckley interpreter David Simerley. Via an email to LBC curator Michael Monteleone he describes the Buckley celebration that took place on Our Lord's Natal Day Swing date, April 7th at the Tuolumne Museum.

Our Centennial Celebration a huge success. And what a 7-ply Gasser it was! Standing room only (about 40 folks), they traveled from as far away as Sacramento and the Pennisula to attend.
We played some old Jazz (like Sunnyside) as everyone came in to the main room. In between songs, I channeled The Gasser, God's Own Drunk and Willie the Shake. We handed out sheets that had the straight and hip versions and the audience followed along to Marc Anthony.
We went into the train room where we had a video set up with interviews Mark [Schecter] gave me of the Royal Family. Then we led everyone into the back room where we had the dedication of the new exhibit and projected your video onto the wall like a little theater. The video wailed. It told the story and really grabbed everyone. After that, there was the cake cutting and we played Happy Birthday and When the Saints Go Jammin' In.
Folks were stopping me in the street days later to tell me what a great program it was. JH from Sacramento e-mailed me and said:
I can't thank you enough for the tremendous celebration you produced last night for Lord Buckley's 100th birthday. It was a fitting tribute to this great man. For me, the production was a complete success. I felt moved and entertained all the while I was there. Musically, you guys were fantastic! Perfect for the party. David, your presentation of some of The Lord's routines was inspiring. You really opened them up and showed me some things I had not noticed before.
Talking with folks at cake cutting time, I heard some Buckley stories.
At 16 years old, Steve hung out at the Inside at the Outside in Palo Alto and saw Buckley perform many times. One night, Steve took a girl whom he wanted to impress. After the show, he introduced her to his Lordship, who leaned over, kissed her hand and said, "One piece of advice, Dear Prince, Marry her - TONIGHT!"



Report From The Field: Florida


My Swingin' Beloveds, Lovely Cats and Kitties, Jumpin' Noble Lords and Ladies, the activity surrounding Sweet Lord Buckley's birth was at a peak last week and reports are starting to trickle in from the various hip venues throughout the realm. Down Crocodile City way John Hostetter and his swingin' bride Del Appleby hosted a gasser of an April 7th gathering that included a Buckley table top display (looking suspeciously like the hippest cargo cult altar you have ever seen in your born days) well as John doing some of His Lordship's routines (including the Four Way Bit - see photos.). Does any one need any othher proof that the Lord lives on?

Check out excerpts from John's emails below:

Well here we are in the soft vacuum of post buckley bliss.
the glow on the faces is getting a bit lighter.
but the buzz in the brain remains.
i'm sure new york was a mardigras of mirth and memory.

i must say doing the four man gag
was quite liberating.
i had never learned it before...
with the intro and the followthrough from beginning to end.
but was fascinated by the dynamic involved.
it's truly a groove to tell the story using
other people's lips eyebrows noses facial contours and whatnot.
can't wait to do it again.
it was good to get back on the horse again
and ride all those routines around the yard.
gonna keep refreshing the brain
with the stuff i used to do
now that i know i have an audience.
the pirates [John's rock band] may start doing god's own drunk... ala jimmy buffet sort of but different.
the maharajah is next on my learning curve.

sending a few more pictures from the party.
it was funny how many folks in my audience
didn't know lord buckley
but had gone online and checked him out before the show...
many thanks to you for that educational link.
peace and all that brings.

much love.



Report From The Field: Manchester, UK

Hipsters All, dig the jumpin' missive come to us from His Grace the Swingin' Wayonoutthere Buckley channeler CP Lee of Manchester, England in the flipped and grooved United Kingdom. He performed his Lord Buckley act "Dig Infinity!" presented at Studio Salford at King's Cross April 4 - 8, 2006.

We excerpt below, Beloveds:

Just to hip you my Lord - The gig has been and now is gone and truly it was a five night gas! The joint was jumpin and many cats were squared up and sent home solid with the word of the Lord.
Very bushed today and taking it easy, but to say -

Hope all you cats in the Bowery had a cool sweet groove and if you're still in the Apple when you read this - Love to the Big O and the other cats

CP of Lee Mansions





Satellite Blips

That secret hipster Bob Edwards late of NPR's Morning Edition and currently gigging at XMPR Satellite Radio did a swingin' riff exchange with Buckley biographer Oliver Trager on May 5, 2006 on his "Bob Edwards Weekend" show.

You cats and kitties that want to tune your lobes to this jumpin' event can click on the link on the left.

Special thanks to Bob Edwards Show producer Chad Campbell for providing the audio file.


Tune your lobes [not an active link]



More Bash Pics

Gotham City photographer Michael Dobo attended the New York 100th Buckley Birthday Bash on April 7th and made with the shutter on a continuous basis. He has kindly laid a few of his views on us.

Special Thanks to Richard Corey for making the arrangements.


Michael Dobo website [not an active link]



Local Studs Makes It Solid Style

By David Simerley

The Tuolumne City Memorial Museum's new permanent Lord Buckley exhibit was dedicated during Buckley's Centennial Celebration, April 6, 2006. The exhibit was assembled and placed by The Wandering Bishops, a network of local performing artists who draw inspiration from Buckley's work.

The exhibit features the original album cover of Buckley's landmark 10" LP, Euphoria, released in 1954 on the Vaya label.

Vaya founder, Jim Dickson (who later became the manager of the folk rock

band The Byrds) said that "retailers didn't know where to put it in the

store because there were no comedy records back then."

Also on display is a copy of the 1966 release Blowing His Mind - And Yours

Too, a Lord Buckley poster designed by his son Richard Buckley Jr. and

souvenirs from the Lord Buckley Memorial Celebrations which were held along the central California coast.

Related research materials have also been placed in the museum.

The museum is located on the corner of Carter and Bay Streets in Tuolumne and is open Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4 pm or by appointment. You can visit the museum's website by going to the links section of lordbuckley.com

Editor's Note: What this article does not reveal is that David Simerley (pictured at left) fought tooth and nail to get the exhibit approved and installed. He is truly a swingin' Crusader for The Lord.


Tuolumne Museum [not an active link]



Eu Phor One


Report From The field: Portland, Oregon

The Latter Day Court of His Supremely Flipped Hipness, convened in The Church of the Living Swing in the fair city of Portland, Oregon on April 20th, 2006 for an evening celebrating the life of the all time Gasser of All Gassers, Lord Buckley.

Directing the event was local KBOO Radio Host Daniel Flesass and special guests included Buckley Biographer Oliver Trager, guitarist/composer Brian Cutean, magic sax and tap dancer Shoehorn and Buckley archivist Walt Stempek. An added attraction was the showing of the latest trailer for the Buckley Documentary film in progress, "Too Hip For The Room" by LBC curator Michael Monteleone.

Oliver Trager laid a number of routines on the full house assembled in a former Black Baptist church on the east side of Portland including "Subconcious Mind", "Black Cross" and "The Hip Gan". Brian Cutean performed a lovely song titled "Hipsemantic Centennial" (see link to lyrics below) and the faithful responded with great gnashing of palms and generous laughter. A surprise guest that evening was a swingin', boppin' cat named Shoehorn who took the populance up one side of a groovy pole on a jumpin' hilll and down the other with his simultaneous jazz sax playing and tap dancing.

Before the show and during the breaks the audience was treated to a delicious sampling of Walt Stempek's extensive collection of Buckley history from signed 45s to rare and exotic posters. He also managed to capture a number of photos. See link below.

"Too Hip For the Room" was screened to great success, many of those in attendance having never seen The Lord in action.

The evening was supposed to end with Oliver Trager reading excerpts from "Dig Infinity" but just as he closed his well worn copy a metallic riot of rhythm and sonic flip could be heard emmanating from somewhere below the floorboards. Thrashing it's way up the stairway the sound filled the air with a mad mother of a beat and a long, gone, wild flip of melody. The source of the sound grew closer and closer and suddenly horn players and percussionists, to the delight of the crowd, spewed into the room from the basement stairway. The hippest brass band on the sphere, "March Forth", was in building and playing "When the Saints Go Marching In"! They followed this with three more jumpin' tunes. The audience reacted by dancing their sweet souls into a high frenzy. A splendid and hip time was indeed had by all.

Read Brian Cutean's lyrics for "Hipsemantic Centennial"




Lady Laurie Is In Res See Donce

To all Cats and Kitties on the Cool and the Flip LordBuckley.com wants you to dig the latest Marine News: hot on the hip heels of Her Ladyship Laurie Buckley's appearance at the 100th Buckley Birthday Bash in New York City, comes the news that Lady Laurie will soon be appearing at this website with her own page titled "Welcome to The Royal Court". Ain't that a gas?!!!

If ever you wanted to ask a question of the high inner circle now's your chance. If you ever wanted to have a channel straight to Heart of Hipness now is the time. Her Ladyship will be laying her thoughts on the Buckleyscenti and encourages all who have the desire to inquire.

So dust off those questions you never thought you would get answered and lay them at Her Ladyship's virtual feet.

Her Majesty can be contacted via email at:




The Party Continues

Regal Hipsters, Gentles Flipsters and all you Happy Time Party cats and kitties have got to dig that the celebration of His Lordship's Natal Day Centennial has not ceased yet. Prince Mark Schecter, creator of the legendary Lord Buckley Memorial Gatherings is hosting an evening of swingin' good cheer as he screens the DVD of Oliver Trager's 100th Buckley Birthday Bash at his sweet pad, Sunday June 25th in Cayucos, California.

Cayucos is a groovy little coastal burg that gets real cozy with San Luis Obispo. It is a place where everything is melody and fine.The DVD features Oliver Trager, Tom Calagna, David Amram, Lady Laurie Buckley, Robert Dick, Steven Ben Israel, Richard Corey, Professor Irwin Corey and the latest trailer for the Buckley documentary film "Too Hip For the Room" by LBC curator Michael Monteleone and famed shootist Roger Mexico. If you plan to attend bring beverages and/or something to snack on. And it's best if you RSVP Mark at: 805.995.2010 or email him at: urbeloved@sbc.global.net. Sorry, no kids at this soiree. Parking is limited so trying parking a couple streets away and stomp your way to Mark's. Mark encourages all of who can to wear a pith helmet, and, as usual, clothing is optional.

Lord Buckley 100th Birthday Bash DVD Premier Party
Sunday, June 25th, 2006 - 7:00 - 9:30 PM
Mark Schecter's Sweet Pad
2784 Richard Avenue (Da Launch Pad)
Cayucos, CA



Jack Broder In The Land Of The Lotus

Lord Buckley interpreter Jake Broder will be swingin' up a Whopper Will of Endless Mardi Gras flips on Wednesday, July 12, 2006 at M Bar in Hollywood, CA. And heads up, Cats and Kitties, this is a one night only gig!

Broder, a stage and screen actor, who makes his home in London, has been honing his Buckley act "His Royal Hipness Lord Buckley in The Zam Zam Room" for a number of years and he wails it up right and tight for all the Buckleyscenti that make the scene.He will be accompanied by actor John Keefe and The Zam Zam Trio.Dig what the Printheads have said about Jake's show:

'Best of 2005' Comedy - Time Out NY
'Extraordinary....Outstanding' - Evening Standard (London)
'Critic's Choice' - The Guardian & The London Times
"The mesmerizing Jake Broder incarnates the nineteen-fifties cult lounge performer Lord Buckley on a headlong ride through the late beat philosopher's oeuvre." – The New Yorker

His Royal Hipness Lord Buckley at The Zam Zam Room

1253 N. VINE
Hollywood, CA



IT IS IMPORTANT TO RSVP: (323) 856-0036

Industry comps call (310) 720-0672


Click here to view Jake in "The Zam Zam Room" [not an active link]



Report From The Fields: Cayucos, CA
EDITORS NOTES: Prince Mark Schecter, the closet thing there is to a saint in the Latter Day Royal Court, recently hosted a swingin' soiree in Cayucos, CA. The photos he mentions will soon appear in the Snap, Snap, Snap'n section at LBC. Here is his report of the event.

Dear Princely Cat Michael,

The DVD Viewing Party last night was wonderful. There were 25 of us in my living room. Our group ranged from a number of long-standing Buckleyphiles to a few cats n' kitties who've only heard OF him but no actual exposure. It was s'pose to go till 9:30 pm but due to having even more fun than anticipated we didn't adjurn till midnight (not too bad for a hallelujah Sunday evening)!! Everyone loved and was MOVED by the DVD. You & your crew did a great job of capturing what O-ccured on that Magical Night!! Deep Kudos to you all!!

Here are a few group photos from our gathering. In true Buckleyesque fashion all of our events are clothing optional... so a few of us just couldn't help ourselves. Feel free to post either or both of the photos on your website but pleez give any photo credit to Abe Perlstein who shot them both (just for the record Abe was also one of the main organizers and invaluable in the LBMCs we had all those years ago).

I truly hope all is well in the court of M X 2. If i can be of any help jut ring-a-ding me up. You gotz both Da Lawd and me witcha all da way!

Swingin' Love,

Prince Mark



The 100th Buckley Birthday Bash Still Jumpin'!

The New York City Buckley Centennial celebration was held on April 7, 2006 at the Bowery Poetry Club. Hosted by Buckley biographer Oliver Trager, the event was a very special and unique night in the far out history of The Lord. Now a two DVD disc set of the evening is available to the populance.

Captured on three cameras by documentarians Michael Monteleone, Roger Mexico and Steve Watson the event captures performances, salutes, memories, extensions, inventions, video and wild, swingin' flips of the very hip kind.

Oliver Trager, Tom Calagna, Richard Corey, and Steven Ben Israel perform some of Buckley's greatest routines. Oliver Trager and John Kruth swing up a couple Buckley laden musical numbers. The legendary David Amram shares memories, wails up "Pull My Daisy" and raps it on up to the top golden spike. Lady Laurie Buckley holds the faithful in the palm of her hand. Jason Eisenberg and Mark Schecter bless the audience with their semantics. The trailer for the Buckley documentry "Too Hip For The Room" is shown. Flutist Robert Dick shakes, rattles and rolls the atomosphere avant garde style. And Professor Irwin Corey hands out post graduate degrees.


Click here for more info [not an active link]



The Crown Prince On HBO's "Deadwood"

Word has reached LBC that His Royal Swingin' Highness the Crown Prince Richard Buckley Jr. is hitting the video boards with back to back performances on HBO's hit series "Deadwood.", July 16 and 23, 2006.

Details are sketchy at present but enough is known to say that the Crown Prince plays a wild stud with a six iron in hand. Is his aim true? Tune in to find out.

More details as they become available.


Click here to see The Crown Princes custom poster celebrating this regal event. [not an active link]



The Pounce Of The Now

M'Ladies and M'Lords, Swingin' Natural Born Royalty, we want to hip Thee to the lastest flip in the Land of the Lobes. In April of this year there were celebrations of The Lord's 100th Birthday all across this sweet Cherryland (and over the pond as well.) A special convocation held in Portland, Oregon, hosted by KBOO-FM DJ Daniel Flessas, featured Buckley biographer and performer Oliver Trager, the saxophone playing and tap dancing Shoehorn and a very special cat named Brian Cutean. Singer and composer Cutean presented with the sweetest musical tribute to Lord Buckley any of us had ever heard. Cutean's tune "Hipsomantic Centennial" weaves a tale of an old man inside a wheel that spins through the grooviest of spaces. The lyrics are filled with vivid imagery and marvelous word play and the tune will swing you through layers and dimensions you never dug before in your entire life. You Studs annd Stallions that can listen to MP3 files can click on the link to the left to dig the Count of Cutean's opus hipus.

MP3 info: "Hipsomantic Centennial" (4:11) - guitar and vocals by Brian Cutean, electric upright bass Robert Vignaud.


Click here for "Hipsomantic Centennial" [not an active link]


Click here for Brian's website



Jon Kalish - On The Inside Wire

Over the years NPR reporter Jon Kalish has produced a number of stories about Lord Buckley. Notable among these are his May of 2002 Morning Edition piece celebrating the release of Oliver Trager's "Dig Infinity". Jon went into high gear this Buckley Centennial year and produced a number of new Buckley audio articles heard on radio stations across the Cherryland up too and including our sweet neighbor Canada.

We at LBC have appreciated Jon's hard work and his obvious affection for the Lord of Flip Manor. To the left you will find some links to web audio that you can dig when you are ready to dig.


Jon's NPR piece about the 2006 NYC Buckley Bash

Jon's Buckley piece for AARP.org [not an active link]

Hear Jon on jazz radio WBGO [not an active link]



Speech Freestyle - Lady Laurie Lets It Rip

Those of you kitties and cats that deeply dig the the First Amendment will want to get hip to a swingin' melody going down right this very instant on the web. Her Ladyship Laurie Buckley is a part of a group of noble wig riffers that meet to shoot thoughts from the Cannon of Truth to attack the catastrophe in such a manner that no one dies before they get killed.

If you can read this sentence you can get with the scene. Click on the link below. This will take you to a Google Video web page. At the bottom of the page you will find a small tab that will let you move the video playhead back and forth in time. Drag the tab to approximately 25 minutes and fourteen seconds. Then you can sit back and dig Her Ladyship as she riffs with the best of them.


Click here to dig some speech freestyle [not an active link]



LBC Past Welcomes

Over the years various graphics pieces have graced the arrival page at LordBuckley.com. These images have commemorated events and seasons and always have tried to honor The Lord's panache and humor.

Now all you cats and kitties that want to look back over your left shoulder can make your way to the Snap Snap Snap'n section of LBC, where various images from the Latter Day Royal Court are on display for all with peepers to see.





The Lord Is Well And Inside Of You

From the swingin' eagle eye of film producer Tom Huckabee comes a report of a lovely video event lying in wait for all of you "with it" Lords and Ladies.

In 1976 die hard Lord Buckley fan George Harrison released an album titled "Thirty Three and & 1/3". On this jumpin' bit of vinyl is the track "Crackerbox Palace" in which Harrison welcomes all to his pad (and what a pad it was!) For those of you already hip to the cool groove of connection Crackerbox Palace was the name His Lordship bestowed upon several of his Los Angeles Royal Court homes. The song lyrics refer to a "Mr. Grief." This is George Grief, one of Lord Buckley's managers, who, following a dinner party, regaled Harrison with tales of The Lord, including the idea of the Crackerbox Palace. Harrison also pays homage to Buckley with the lyrics "The Lord is well and inside of you."

The above mentioned video was created in support of this recording. Directed by Eric Idle this lovely Peepers and Lobes flip features Harrison himself, Neil Innes (of the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band and The Rutles), and a grand cast of elegant and tangentially extended rag tags. They are all dancing, all singing and all blissful as they trapse about Harrison's own Friar Park Crackerbox Palace in Hensley-Upon-Thames.

Many thanks to Tom Huckabee for hipping us to this riff.





It's In The History

Beloveds, we hip Thee to another gasser of a riff emanating from the far out land of YouTube.

In the fall of 1956, His Lordship did a turn on "You Bet Your Life", Groucho Marx's hilarious game show. Buckley and Groucho, both seasoned Vaudevillians, cut up the rug, the walls and the audience, as they "improvise" their way through a brief review of Lord Buckley's life, his current endeavors and a serious of musical knowledge questions. The repartee is marvelous as these two veterans have a ball with each other. Buckley even performs a touch of the "Hipsters, actually gets in the groove with Willie the Shake.)

YouTube, that phenomenal binary paean to democracy is, as of this publishing date, hosting the video described above. By all means, sisters and brothers, make the scene by clicking on the link to the left.

Many thanks to Michael Gross, Jim Wilson and Brian Cutean for hipping us to this riff





The Stony Awards

You Nobles that dig the strange green vine (located at the base of a great cathedral-like group of giant sequoias) surely want to stash this bit of news in your wigs. Buckley interpreter Jake Broder's play "His Royal Hipness Lord Buckley in the Zam Zam Room", has been nominated for a 2006 Stony Award.

The magazine High Times is hosting it's 6th Annual Stony Awards at BB King's joint in New York City on October 24th. "Zam Zam Room" will be competing with two other plays, "Lenny Bruce: In His Own Words" and "The Marijuana-Logues".

When Jake heard about his nomination he exclaimed, "Makes me giggle, that."

LBC wishes the kindly Prince Broder the best of luck as he sees just how high he can make it up that ladder.


Click here for a PDF about the 2006 Stony Awards [not an active link]

Click here to go to High Times website

Click here for info on Jake's latest "Lord Buckley in Los Angeles [not an active link]



Thus Spake Jake Again

Lotus Land cats and kitties will want to set aside an evening this fall for a swingin' special occasion. Veteran Buckley interpreter Jake Broder is returning to M Bar in Hollywood to test the tensile strength of the rafters when he performs in "Lord Buckley In Los Angeles - A Evening With His Royal Highness."

Produced by Steven Klein, featuring a live jazz trio and accompanied by actor John Keefe, Broder will let loose with some crazy, far out semantics and lay numerous vibratory vvvvrrrrrrips on the assembled faithful.

So, you sweet Regals that want to do your duty for the cause of Royal Hipness will need to locate that felt tipped marker and make the calendar scene.

Here are the Dates and Times for "Lord Buckley In Los Angeles"

Friday, October 6
Sunday, October 15
Saturday, October 28
Saturday, November 4
Friday, November 17

Door $15
Food Minimum $10

Door opens at 7 PM, Curtain at 8 PM

M Bar
1253 N. Vine Street
Hollywood , CA 90038
(valet & street parking on site)

Reservations: (323) 856-0036


Click here for the PDF [not an active link]



Too Hip In Venice

The creative team of LBC curator Michael Monteleone, intrepid filmmaker Roger Mexico, Her Swingin' Majesty Laurie Buckley and jumpin' screenwriter Tom Pope will present the latest trailer for their Lord Buckley documentary film, "Too Hip For the Room" as part of an evening filled with music and films at the 7 Dudley Cinema at the Sponto Gallery in Venice, CA on Wednesday, November 15th.

The evening festivities include:

6:30 PM - 7:45 PM - Master trumpter Paul Litteral, who's played with The Rolling Stones, Tom Waits and Robert Plant.

8:00 PM - Until Done

The film VANISHING AMERICA (2005,6m) Lance Miccio's historical reflection on the jukebox as a shared experience.

The trailer for the film "Too Hip For The Room" (2007, 12m) - a time for questions will follow the screening.

The film "TV Junkie" (2006, 107m) - Producer Jeff Scheftel presents the uncut version of this riveting journey into the heart of darkness, where one man's fight for survival is caught on tape in an unprecedented way. This film was the winner of the Special Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival 2006.

7 Dudley Cinema
at Sponto Gallery
7 Dudley Ave.
Venice, CA
phone: (310) 306-7330
web: 81x.com/7dudley/cinema


web: 81x.com/7dudley/cinema [not an active link]



Tom Calagna Hips The Museum Well

Those gathered at the Margaret Mead Film Festival to view "Doc - a documentary", Immy Hume's beautiful film about her father Doc Humes, were treated to a tasty and swingin' bit of Lord Buckley prior to the screening. Veteran Buckley interpretor Tom Calagna stomped all the way across the IMAX theatre stage at The American Museum of Natural History pleasing, flipping and grooving the twelve hundred audience members with his lively version of "The Nazz". In the long gone before days, Doc Humes and Lord Buckley were right and tight buddy cats and it was Doc that lead the charge in 1960 trying to get His Lordship's cabaret card returned to him. Doc's efforts eventually lead to the repeal of the Cabaret Card laws. Also appearing was the great musician, composer and Buckley friend David Amram.


Click here to view more info on "Doc - a Documentary [not an active link]

Click here to listen to Immy Humes talk about her film "Doc - a documentary"



Jake Broder Flips The Double

You hip cats and kitties that dig the red velvet and retro scene will want to get with the news that the run of Jake Broder's hit performance, "Lord Buckley in Los Angeles" at the MBar in Hollywood, has been extended to include two shows in December.

Here are the new Dates and Times for "Lord Buckley In Los Angeles"

Sunday, December 10
Friday, December 15

Door $15
Food Minimum $10

Door opens at 7 PM, Curtain at 8 PM

M Bar
1253 N. Vine Street
Hollywood , CA 90038
(valet & street parking on site)

Reservations: (323) 856-0036


Click here for the PDF [not an active link]



The Princess Has Swung
Anita O'Day 1919 - 2006

Drape the stage and all the players in black, Beloveds. Hip every head to the sad drag news that Anita O'Day, whom Lord Buckley dubbed "The Princess of Swing", has swung out of this sweet, swingin' sphere at the age of 87.

A 27 year old Dick Buckley first encountered a 14 year old, school skipping Anita Belle Colton in 1933 when she entered the Leo Seltzer's Chicago Coliseum Walkathon as a dance contestant. Buckley was the premier MC for that event. When the school truant officers arrived to look for under aged Walkathon participants Anita quickly changed her last name to O'Day (pig latin for Dough") and claimed to be 18.

Eventually Anita, with a penchant for singing, found herself vocalizing in some of the local Chicago clubs that featured Dick Buckley as a comic. He introduced her to some of the best and hippest songs in the jazz repetorie and helped school her in the art of stage presence.

She successfully battled decades long addictions to heroin and alcohol and, along with Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald, she went on to become one of the three greatest female jazz singers of the 20th Century.

In a 2001 interview for the Lord Buckley documentary film "Too Hip For The Room", Anita talked about how much a gentleman His Lordship was to her, "He always made me feel special. He never kibitzed with me. He always made me feel like, you know, a girl."

Recovering from a recent bout of pneumonia, Anita's ticker finally reached the long rest note in the last bar of her chart and she swooped the scene. Her last album "Indestructable!." was released earlier this year. The album is pure Anita O'Day. Even at 87 the impeccable jazz phrasing and timing was evident. Add to this her indomitable spirit and you can see why we all should be playing the next set in a minor key for Miss Anita Belle Colton O'Day.


Click here for Anita's website [not an active link]

Click here to watch the trailer for a documentary about Anita [not an active link]
