The Train

Trains now leaving for Rosedale, Goldsdale, Flipsdale, Jam City, Rass Cross, Criss Cross, Ratitude, Latitude, Baditude, Hatitude, Nogsley, Dogsley, Frogsly, Hamstown, Bamstown, Your Town, My Town, Way Place, Say Place, Gay Place, Roptne, Vautne, Friptne, Shniksnaw, Krascraw, Assavaw, Avalanche, Pownspay, Pasville, Dasville, Hosville, Parsville, Krende, Bende, Senha and Krutne . . .

Now leaving on Track Twelve . . .BOARD!Kachooo -- Kachank! Hooo-hooooo Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "Last call for the diner!"Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "How we doin', Fred?" "Right on time Carlie."Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "Tickets, tickets, tickets."Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "Peanuts, soda pop, popcorn, candy!"(faster) Kachooo -- Kachank! Hooo-hooooo Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "Last call for the diner!"Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "How we doin', Fred?" "Right on time Charlie."Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "Tickets, tickets, tickets."Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "Peanuts, soda pop, popcorn, candy!"(faster) Kachooo -- Kachank! Hooo-hooooo Hooo-hooooo Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- Last call for the diner!Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "How we doin', Fred?" "Right on time Charlie."Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "Tickets, tickets, tickets."Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "Peanuts, soda pop, popcorn, candy!"(faster) Hooooo-ooooooooooo!! Hooooo-Hoooooo-Hooooooooooooo!!! Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "Last call for the diner!"Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "How we doin', Fred?" "Right on time Charlie."Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "Tickets, tickets, tickets."Huppity be, hippity bop, huppity boppity bippity bop -- "Peanuts, soda pop, popcorn, candy!"OHHHHHH!!! AGGGGGHHH!!! EEEE!!!CRAASSHH!!!"Forty-seven dead and eight injured the worst accident in the state's history"


From: Lord Buckley: a most immaculately hip aristocrat,

Straight Records, (compiled by Frank Zappa), Straight and Reprise LP's, 1970. Released in Britain by Demon Verbals, 1989 and in US by Rhino-Bizarre/Straight & Enigma as a CD in 1989.

Transcribed by EARL RIVERS