Governor Slugwell

Ah, good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. I wish you could be here on this beautiful day to see the sun shining down this magnificent avenue. All the fair ladies about and all the handsome gentlemen out there for this is the day that everyone is saluting that celebrated international figure: Governor Slugwell.

[Buckley makes brass band sounds]

Ladies and gentlemen I can see him now down in front of the courthouse. Looks like he's getting into this - yes, he is getting into a magnificent automobile there. Oh, it's shining so bright into the sunshine and the people are all gazing around, trying to say hello to him. And there's an immense crowd gathering. He's got two blondes on each arm, a king size boutonnière in his button hole and a pound of treys in the toolbox.

"Hurray for Slugwell!"

"Thank you, my friends."

"Lady, will you stand back?! You're trying to get yourself killed. This's a parade my dear woman. You've got to -"

"I'm the mother of five children!"

"Peanuts, popcorn, hot dogs, get 'em - "

Ladies and gentlemen, they're coming right down the middle of the boulevard with it's golden sunshine shining down on their magnificent uniforms, is the pride of the nation, the Seven-Oh-Seven Elks Drum Corp Negro.

Wham bam, wham bam
Roobetty Boobetty Boop
Bam, bam!
Ah, Roop
Bam, bam
Ah, roop
Bam, bam
Ah, Roopbetty, Boobetty Boop!

"Lady, will you stand back?! Now, that’s the last time I'm going to tell you now!

"Hot dogs! Get 'em while they're red hot!"

"Thank you, friends."

Ah, Ladies and Gentlemen, here we are out at the stadium. Good heavens, I know I sound excited but I can't help it. There's so much excitement in the air. Ah, this is such a tremendous night. You can feel the excitement. You can feel the enthusiasm jumping. There must be five-hundred thousand people here at the stadium as the governor’s cars swings through into the auditorium and gates. And right in the middle of the field you can hear these people yell:

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, time is short. I'm up here in the observation booth. And we just have time now to turn this over to Senator Gridley, down on the platform where he'll introduce this magnificent political deity.

"My friends, I would like to say that never, in my political history, have I ever enjoyed the privilege of presenting such a great, beloved man. A human being, not only beloved in this fair country, but beloved world over. His name, a name that’s imprinted on every heart in America: Governor Slingwell Slugwell!"


"Hurray for the -"

Bam, Bam
Bam, Bam
Roobetty Boobetty Boop
Ha Roop Beboop
Ha Roop Beboop
Boobetty Boobetty Boop

"My friends, I - hmmm, ehhh, would like to say that, ooohp, I've never before, rahum, have been greeted by such, urrrrhp, warmth and urrrrrb, beauty. Hmmpt - I'll be there in a moment, Mary. Now, I would like to say that things are going so well and so, hmmmpt beautiful with me. My, ah, Rolls Royces are all running fine, urrrpt, three more oil well came in, hmmm, I just popped the water works last week, urrrrrpt, I've had the gas works for quite some time. Hmmm. And things are going at such a magnificent rate urrrpt, that I believe that it is possible for each and every member of this great state - the Employees Association shall receive a substantual raise in salary amounting to: "

"and seventy-five cents. And I would like to say - that the – ah, I wish you all a happy, happy time and you'll be hearing me from me next - very, very soon. Thank you and goodnight."

"Hurray for Slugwell!"

"Hello, Charlie."

"Yes, that's right."

"That's him!"

[Buckley makes train whitle sound]

"Hurray for Slugwell."

from "a most immaculately hip aristocra"t transcribed by Michael Monteleone

"Hurray for Slugwell!"

"Thank you, my friends."

[Buckley makes brass band sounds]

[Buckley makes brass band sounds]

"Hurray for Slugwell!"

"Hurray for Slugwell!"

[Buckley makes brass band sounds]

[Buckley makes brass band sounds]

[Buckley makes brass band sounds]

[Buckley makes brass band sounds]

[Buckley makes brass band sounds]

Bam, Bam
Bam, Bam
Roobetty Boobetty Boop
Ha Roop Beboop
Ha Roop Beboop
Roobetty Boobetty Boop

[Buckley makes brass band sounds]

from "a most immaculately hip aristocra"t transcribed by Michael Monteleone