Beat Beat Beatsville
Album Title   Beat Beat Beatsville
Media   Compact Disc
Record Company   Bongo
Catalog #   Bongo 001 CD
Year of Issue   1996
1   Herman Munster Reads [1:07]
2   Beat Generation [1:52]
3   Like, I Love You [2:33]
4   Beatnik [2:34]
5   Benny The Beatnik [2:34]
6   Beatnik Bounce [2:31]
7   Beatnik Daddy [2:16]
8   Laffin Beatnik [2:38]
9   Mama's Place [2:11]
10   Beatnik [1:59]
11   Guy Lombardo's Back In Town [1:07]
12   Beatnik Baby [2:26]
13   Beat-Nik [1:46]
14   Doin The Beatnik Twist [2:23]
15   Beatnik Bounce [2:33]
16   Teenage Beatnik [1:52]
17   Beatnik Walk [2:32]
18   Beatnik Bill [2:17]
19   The Beat Generation [ 2:03]
20   Endsville [:53] - Lord Buckley from Beanie & Cecile cartoon
Label Variations  
Misc. Notes  

Track 20 is from the soundtrack from the 1960 Beanie and Cecil cartoon "The Wildman of Wildsville". Buckley provided the voice of Go Man Van Go. Of somewhat esoteric note is the performance of Scatman Crothers as the voice that introduces the title to the cartoon.


Beat Beat Beatsville Liner Notes



Who / What / Where / Why?

There are settlements of Beatmiks in most of the major cities throughout the U.S. and the colony in New York's colourful Greenwich Village is one of the most publisized.

Most of the male Beats live in furnished rooms, paying 37-510 in in weekly rent. The girls generally share apartments - two to four teaming up to split the rent. However, about one third of the Beatchiks live with males. To conquer the housing shortage some ingenious Beats rent ‘living lofts‘ in old factory buildings. The space is partitioned to accommodate as many as seven members of a particular herd. Often the group is made without regard to sex or race, but they live harmoniously. There is always room for one more Beat, and the temporarily unsheltered never are turned away.

About 80% of the Beats are not regularly employed, and they struggle to keep it that way. They work at part-time jobs to provide just enough money to meet their meagre needs. They take jobs that require little or no thinking, preferring to save mental exercise for their artistic interests.

The subject of money seldom is discussed at a klatsch. "It is not a matter of serious involvement," says McDarrah. However, there is suspicion that some Beats have a source of secret income - a periodic check from home.

The Beats eat haphazardly and poorly. They ignore the breakfast-lunch-dinner routine and turn to food only when the pangs of hunger persist. Only the cheapest items on the menu are selected. Often they go in groups to Chinatown, where a big meal costs little. Some pads operate a co-op kitchen. and the occupants take turns whipping up inexpensive dishes that go a long way - meatballs and spaghetti for example.

The Beats dress shabbily mostly because they are poor, according to McDarrah. They buy their clothes in the Army-Navy stores, or at second clothing exchanges. The dark glasses are worn mostly for identification. The beard also is a symbol. Most Beats bathe, says McDarrah, even though they appear unclean.

The "free love" brand stamped on the Beatchiks is completely erroneous, SAGA‘s
expert reports. The girls are faithful to one guy - almost always a Beat. They shun fret‘ spending transients.

The Beats are largely non-drinkers - mostly because they can't afford the luxury. Beer oer coffee are social drinks. Many have at on: time or other experimented with some form of stimulant, but, generally speaking, they are not drug addicts.

The New York colony is made up of Beatniks from many foreign lands. The age bracket for both men and women runs between 25 and 25. About 20% of the group is married; some, not many, have children. Few go to church or embrace a religion. This, in capsule, is the Beat Generation.