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Lord Buckley, years after his death, speaks more clearly to more people today. People are flow fluent in his once esoteric "Language Of The Streets." His audience today is hipper and finds a place for him as an artist, where he was once thought of as a saloon comic, a hipster's hipster, a far out eccentric with a gimmick, or some writer of "Beat" poetry.
He mastered the jargon of the ghetto streets. "Negroes spoke a language of such power, purity and beauty I found it irresistible. I could not resist this magical way of speaking, nor the great power it had for good in its purity and sweetness. A power that said by hip-zig-zag-urmph, everything is understandable."
Lord Buckley used his new found language to translate the teachings of Jesus and Gandhi, humanizing holy men and, by so doing, making them all the holier.
He brought the Black street jargon into White society, delivered it in floridly theatrical readings, and breathed meaning into the truths lying unnoticed under dead languages. He did this in saloons. In this setting he stood on the stage, utterly believable in his intimacy with his subject.
On this new recording you will hear Lord Buckley set a stage with: "My Lords and My Ladies of the Royal Court, this is no longer a bar, but a modern Chapel Welcome to high mass." It seems fitting that on this new release the Marquis de Sade makes Buckley's rendering all the more believable by his enjoyment of and sympathy for the "Prince of Evil." It is not surprising that this translation of "Bad Rapping Of The Marquis de Sade" shows Lord Buckley at his funniest and best as a performer, and at his highest as a spiritually joyous being. Humor, in this translation, finds the "good" in a soul called Evil. "My Lords, My Ladies, have I told you that I love you," he said to the saloon parishioners as he ended his act. For to Lord Buckley life and people, whatever their trip, were holy. His hip renderings were sermons, laid down by Lords and Ladies of other courts in other times, for new Lords and Ladies to dig.
"Before I leave you, I would like to say to you," he would say in a near whisper, "PEOPLE are what it is all about... they are mother nature's brightest flower, her sweetest, purest, most elevating thing that ever was." He honored the parishioners of the modern chapel by being honored by their presence. He would have them dig themselves alongside the most holy and denounced, the most revered and damned of the species. "You are 'groovy' flowers in a garden where I am privileged to stand and share a few moments with you."
Lord Buckley lays down some funny scenes on the way to saying that.
John Carpenter
Los Angeles Free Press
KPFK, Los Angeles
plined as Richy and Lori. It seemed to me sometimes almost as if Dick wanted to teach them what he himself had never learned. They were not disciplined in a threatened way, but with a very real and obvious love. I remember Dick once asked the children to show me their room, which was downstairs in the Whitley Terrace house; and one of the ways of reaching it was a rickety staircase on the outside of the house. It was around 2 a.m., of course pitch-black, and the children started to go down the less hazardous indoor route, but papa would have none of it. He hustled all of us outside, and as Richy and Lori, who were only five and six at the time, were hurrying down the worn-out staircase, he kept saying, "Faster, children, faster, faster," until little Richy and Lori were just a blur of running arms and legs. Then Buckley turned back to me with his best Maniacal look, and in a stage whisper said, "They are heavily insured."
To go on the road with Lord Buckley was another experience you would never forget, and. I once had this honor bestowed upon me, with the result that Dick and I didn't speak for about a year. But despite his disorganization you would find people in every major city who knew and really loved Lord Buckley, and when he came to town they dropped whatever they were doing and took care of him. He was that type of a person. Dick could not be ignored or put aside. To have him in your company was to yield to whatever happened to pop out of his head, and I was always amazed at the number and types of people who would, for a few days, quite joyously put their whole life aside and jump into the royal court to lead Buckley's existence for the time that he was there.
Dick could never hold on to money, or he never did, anyway. To know him was to have him owe you, but I don't think there is anyone who can really say that Lord Buckley was not worth whatever it was that he borrowed and, of course, never paid back. To have him visit you was to keep him, and his tastes, which sometimes were quite expensive . . . but few complained. Wherever he went, people seemed to pick up the tab, one way or the other, because Richard was always broke. However, if he had money, no matter how large the sum, he would spend it the same way. He did not treat his money any differently than he treated yours, and it seemed that the only thing he was concerned about was to get rid of it as quickly as possible. I have seen him buy dinner for thirty people with money he borrowed from me or anyone who happened to be there. He believed in life more deeply than anyone I have ever known. He extended himself more in that direction than anyone I have ever known, and he got his wife to go along with it. He made no compensations for anything. He went straight over or straight up or straight down, whatever it happened to be, with apologies to no-one and love for all.
"The flowers, the gorgeous, mystic multi-colored flowers are not the flowers of lift, but people, yes people are the true flowers of lift: and it has been a most precious pleasure to have temporarily strolled in your garden."
Lord Buckley |