WAIL A NOTE ON | | talk to | source | | The Gasser | usage | | He sad down and he wailed up a note on Ferdinand the First to hip the cat that he's still giggin' for him. | + | | | | | |
WAILIN' BOWS | | taking credit for something | source | | THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS | usage | | But digging it harder from afar we cannot take no wailin' bows . . . | ]]] | | | | | |
WANGED | | to be given a hard time, put through a lot of changes | source | | The Gasser | usage | | Your Majesty, I've been billed, willed and twilled, I've been flung, wanged and looned, but I never dug no jazz like this last riff you put me on. | | | | | | |
WARRIOR STUD | | a soldier | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | He was a warrior stud for Ferdinand the First of Spain. | ]]] | | | | | |
WAX | | recorded music | source | | THE BAD-RAPPING OF THE MARQUIS DE SADE - KING OF THE BAD CATS | usage | | . . . and suck up a little good juice, and listen to some good wax and carry on a little bit . . . | ]]] | | | | | |
WHIP | | to do something quickly | source | | NERO | usage | | . . . 'cause he whip out his scratch pad, which the cat always carry with him. | ]]] | | | | | top |
WHITE MICE MIDGET STYLE | | small and insignificant | source | | Scrooge | usage | | . . . he feels like a disrupted, small, disregarded and unclaimed white mice midget style. . . | ]]] | | | | | |
WHOLE GIG | | life | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | . . . and we were about to give up the whole gig when we ran into an Indian village. | ]]] | | | | | |
WIG | | a brain, a mind, a head, a face | source | | The Swingin' Pied Piper | usage | | No cat there could dig the stranger's wig. | + | | | | | |
WIG BUBBLE | | an intriguing idea, thought or concept | source | | GOD'S OWN DRUNK | usage | | I'd like to do a little creative wig bubble for you . . . | ]]] | | | | | |
WIG STRETCH | | a very smart person or a complicated discipline that requires great intelligence | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | He proceeded to lay back into the longest good in the history of that far-out wig stretch. | ]]] | | | | | top |
WIGGAGE | | brain capacity, intelligence level | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | Now here was a cat who carried so much wiggage he was gigless. | ]]] | | | | | |
WIGPHONE | | a radio receiver in a helmet | source | | BUCKLEY DESCRIBES FIRST JET RIDE | usage | | He sounds me through the wigphone clear and cool. | ]]] | | | | | |
WILD NON-STOP ETHEREA | | exotic, highly intriguing and indefinite cultural attributes | source | | The Hip Gan | usage | | . . . and all the great wild non-stop etherea that is Motha India. | ]]] | | | | | |
WILLED | | to be given a hard time, put through a lot of changes | source | | The Gasser | usage | | Your Majesty, I've been billed, willed and twilled, I've been flung, wanged and looned, but I never dug no jazz like this last riff you put me on. | | | | | | |
WILLIE THE SHAKE | | William Shakespeare | source | | To Swing Or Not To Swing | usage | | They called him Willie the Shake because he . . . SHOOK! . . . everybody. They give him a nickel's worth of paper and five cents worth of ink and he sat down and wrote up such a breeze, when he got through, that's all there was, Jack, there wasn't no more. | + | | | | | top |
WINDOWS OF HIS SOUL | | the eyes | source | | The Nazz | usage | | . . . and he looked right down into the windows of his soul and he say to the little cat, he say "Straighten!" | | | | | | |
WING | | the arm | source | | THE BAD-RAPPING OF THE MARQUIS DE SADE - KING OF THE BAD CATS | usage | | So she took his wing and started to make it to the pad. | ]]] | | | | | |
WING-FITTIN' STATION | | death's door | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | And the buddy cat that he's askin' to get straight is in very delicate condition indeed. He is not on the razor's edge; he's on the hone of the scone. That's a wing-fittin' station, y'understand . . . | + | | | | | |
WIPEOUT | | murder | source | | The Ballad of Dan McGroo | usage | | And that's how it came to be history of a thing called "The Wipeout of Swingin' Danny McGroo" | + | | | | | |
WITH IT | | being in a state of knowing what you are doing | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | Well, I believe the cat's with it all the way. | ]]] | | | | | top |
WORLD GRABBER | | a politician and/or military person that wants to dominate the world | source | | MARC ANTHONY'S FUNERAL ORATION | usage | | To be a world grabber a stiffer riff must be blown. | ]]] | | | | | |
WORTHY STUD | | a man with an esteemed public reputation | source | | MARC ANTHONY'S FUNERAL ORATION | usage | | Yea, so are they all worthy studs. | ]]] | | | | | |