TAGGED | | named | source | | The Raven (The Bugbird) | usage | | . . . whom the fly chicks tagged Leonore | ]]] | | | | | |
TAIL BUSTER | | an action that involves rough treatment of the buttock | source | | BUCKLEY DESCRIBES FIRST JET RIDE | usage | | . . . and the one on the right is the main day double 7 ply tail buster to end all gassers. | ]]] | | | | | |
TAKE | | intense and disbelieving stare | source | | Bad-Rapping of the Marquis de Sade - Kind of the Badcats | usage | | And the minute they sit down, they did a real wild take. And they found out that the chairs that they was sitting on was composed of skeleton bones. | ]]] | | | | | |
TAKES | | gambling earnings | source | | The Ballad of Dan McGroo | usage | | . . . diggin' his takes was his main day charge. | + | | | | | |
TAKING THEM OUT | | killing people | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | The Gasser was a warrior cat: he'd been takin' them out, not bringing them in. | ]]] | | | | | |
TALK | | excuses | source | | NERO | usage | | I don't want to hear no talk, Jack, make a change and make it quick! | ]]] | | | | | top |
TELEVISION FACE | | a face that doesn't look good on televsion | source | | Bad-Rapping of the Marquis de Sade - Kind of the Badcats | usage | | Now, you can take one look at my television face, and you got to know I didin't get all these miles on my puss in one lifetime. | ]]] | | | | | |
TERRA | | the ground, the earth | source | | THE NAZZ | usage | | Stomp upon the terra! | ]]] | | | | | |
TEST CATS | | airplane test pilots | source | | BUCKLEY DESCRIBES FIRST JET RIDE | usage | | They MUST have pulled a switch on me . . . this book is for the "test cats, NOT ME. | ]]] | | | | | |
THE HONE OF THE SCONE | | a precarious position | source | | The Gasser | usage | | He's not on the razor's edge. He's on the hone of the scone. | ]]] | | | | | |
THE TALL CAT WITH THE SCYTHE | | the Grim Reaper, death personified | source | | To Swing Or Not To Swing | usage | | Shall I knock on the pearly’s
Or dig the sweet sack of my pad,
Or sound the tall cat with the scythe? | ]]] | | | | | top |
THING OF THE BING | | a change in the status quo of consciousness so that your mind-set and reality are altered in major fashion | source | | MY OWN RAILROAD | usage | | I felt the shift of the rift and the thing of the bing and suddenly--I had my own railroad. | | | | | | |
THIRTY-TWO BARS | | a musical measurement of a verse of standard length | source | | The Ballad of Dan McGroo | usage | | I'm hip that you dig, with all of your wig, what he blew in just thirty-two bars. | | | | | | |
THREADS | | clothes | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | Hungry, his threads thin, it was a drag. | ]]] | | | | | |
THROUGH WITH HIS GIG | | dead | source | | The Ballad of Dan McGroo | usage | | There flipped on his wig, and all through with his gig, was Swingin' Danny McGroo. | + | | | | | |
TICKER | | the heart | source | | THE RAVEN | usage | | The endless beating of my ticker. | ]]] | | | | | top |
TIGHT | | perfect | source | | SUBCONSCIOUS MIND | usage | | . . . and you're so good you, hah! You're right in there tight. | ]]] | | | | | |
TILT | | to drink | source | | The Ballad of Dan McGroo | usage | | The last tilt was Swingin' Danny McGroo. | + | | | | | |
TILTED | | unpleasant, unsuccessful | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | I've been on a lotta tilted picnics and a lotta double-unhung parties. | + | | | | | |
TIPS OF THE RIPPETY ZIP | | the edges of all perception when one is just monitoring things but can't pay real attention due to imminent crisis | source | | MY OWN RAILROAD | usage | | Cross everything you've got and keep it crossed and don't breathe in long breaths, breathe in short breaths and feel the tips of the rippety zip and WHAP! I made it!! | | | | | | |
TOO FAR BELOW | | very cold | source | | The Ballad of Dan McGroo | usage | | And out of the night, which was too far below. . . | ]]] | | | | | top |
TOP OF THE KICK STICK | | the ultimate sensation | source | | NERO | usage | | He wants to dig the lick on the top of the Kick Stick | ]]] | | | | | |
TOWN CATS | | citizens | source | | THE SWINGIN' PIED PIPER | usage | | At last the town cats to the town hall in a body came rocking. | ]]] | | | | | |
TRAP-HUNG PANTHER | | unable to escape a trap | source | | NERO | usage | | . . . Nero's eyes a gleamin' like a trap-hung panther. | ]]] | | | | | |
TUNEUP | | major foreplay, sensual arousal | source | | THE BAD-RAPPING OF THE MARQUIS DE SADE - KING OF THE BAD CATS | usage | | . . . for he knew it would be a mistake to put a square chick like her up against a high-ballin' stud like himself on the bed of high sensuous consequence without giving the chick a little tuneup first... | | | | | | |
TUNING IN | | paying attention | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | Finally this great lick started to spark the spacehead grapevine, and all the space cats were tuning in. | ]]] | | | | | top |
TURNABOUT | | spiritual transformation from fear and self-centeredness to love and compassion | source | | SCROOGE | usage | | ... he done did the turn-about, he's the Lord's boy today. | | | | | | |
TWENTY CENT POOL OF WATER | | a very small ocean | source | | THE NAZZ | usage | | So on the way over the boys run into a little old twenty cent pool of water. | ]]] | | | | | |
TWENTY-SEVEN ACRE BODY | | a huge physical being | source | | GOD'S OWN DRUNK | usage | | And I love every hair on your twenty-seven acre body! | ]]] | | | | | |
TWILLED | | given a hard time, put through a lot of changes | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | Your Majesty, I've been billed, willed and twilled, I've been flung, wanged and looned, but I never dug no jazz like this last riff you put me on. | | | | | | |
TWISTED MY WIG | | went crazy | source | | THE HIP GAN | usage | | I like to twisted my wig getting this session together to you. | < | | | | | top |
TWO TO TOOTHLESS | | from young to old | source | | NERO | usage | | . . . and on the crossses is five thousand Christians from two to toothless, pinned to the crosses. | ]]] | | | | | |