OCTAGONHEAD | | a double square person | source | | THE BAD-RAPPING OF THE MARQUIS DE SADE - KING OF THE BAD CATS | usage | | . . . he knew she was an octagonhead, and he knew it would be the wrong thing to do. | ]]] | | | | | |
OFF FOR MOON CITY | | headed skyward | source | | BUCKLEY DESCRIBES FIRST JET RIDE | usage | | . . . and mother whammo, we're off for the moon city. | ]]] | | | | | |
OFF-PITCHED RAT STYLE | | denoting an irritating, atonal, high-pitched sound | source | | THE SWINGIN' PIED PIPER | usage | | . . . and even hung up the lady cats' backyard chats by
topping their speakin' with screechin' and squeakin' off-pitched rat-style rhythm and blues that shook all the chicks right down to their shoes. | ]]] | | | | | |
ON HIS WAY OUT | | dying | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | The cat was on his way out. | ]]] | | | | | |
ON THE HOOK | | dedicated or obligated | source | | CHASTITY BELT | usage | | There is a couple of cats up on the hill that aren't on the hook for the Grail | ]]] | | | | | |
ON THE THEME OF THE BEAM OF THE INVISIBLE EDGE | | dying | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | He was on the theme of the beam of the invisible edge. | ]]] | | | | | top |
ONE MOTHER OF A TAKE-OFF | | the beginnings of a powerful LSD experience | source | | LORD BUCKLEY DESCRIBES HIS FIRST LSD EXPERIENCE | usage | | My whole body was jingling with alert signals: 'This is going to be one mother of a take-off. Hang on! | ]]] | | | | | |
OXYGEN SNIFFER | | an oxygen mask | source | | BUCKLEY DESCRIBES FIRST JET RIDE | usage | | Next comes the oxygen sniffer. | ]]] | | | | | |