HALLELUJAH MORNING | | a glorious day | source | | JONAH AND THE WHALE | usage | | Now the Great Lord was sitting in his rosy rockin' chair one hallelujah morning . . . | ]]] | | | | | |
HANGER | | an undesirable situation | source | | SUPERMARKET | usage | | Oh, it's a hanger. Abe wouldn't dig that jazz | ]]] | | | | | |
HAPPY PARTY CAT | | someone who really enjoys life | source | | NERO | usage | | Don't bug me with them Christians, will ya now please, I'm a happy party cat, I don't want to hear about no Christians. . . | < | | | | | |
HAPPY TIME KING | | party-loving monarch | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | And Ferdinand the First of Spain was a happy-time king. He likes to see the chicks jumpin' and the juice flowin' and the good time goin'... . . . | + | | | | | |
HARD-SOUNDED THE LAST 'NTH BONG OF THE BELL OF THEIR BELLS | | sacrifiiced their life | source | | THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS | usage | | That from all these ace-stamped studs we double our love kick to that righteous ride for which these cats hard-sounded the last
nth bong of the bell of their bell. | ]]] | | | | | |
HASSLE SITE | | a battlefield | source | | THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS | usage | | . . . the before mentioned hassle site. . . | ]]] | | | | | top |
HEAD PRAETORIAN STUD | | the leader of the Roman Legions | source | | NERO | usage | | . . . and he show it to the Head Praetorian Stud, and the Head Praetorian Stud take one look and his eyes light up . . . | ]]] | | | | | |
HEAT CITY | | hell | source | | IS THIS THE STICKER? | usage | | For it is the swinger that will take you to The Garden or to Heat City. | ]]] | | | | | |
HEATER | | a gun | source | | The Ballad of Dan McGroo | usage | | Two heaters blazed in the dark. | + | | | | | |
HEAVY HEADED | | a serious minded, perhaps, melancholy person | source | | THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS | usage | | I dug sweet old swinging, non-stop, heavy-headed sweet Abe. | ]]] | | | | | |
HERO IN EVIL | | a malevolent personality who excels in their efforts | source | | THE BAD-RAPPING OF THE MARQUIS DE SADE - KING OF THE BAD CATS | usage | | It's about a hero in evil. | ]]] | | | | | top |
HIGH AS A PIGEON | | far above the ground | source | | BLACK CROSS | usage | | And they hung Hezekiah as high as a pigeon. | ]]] | | | | | |
HIGH BALLIN' STUD | | a man with serious sexual prowess and interest | source | | THE BAD-RAPPING OF THE MARQUIS DE SADE - KING OF THE BAD CATS | usage | | . . . for he knew it would be a mistake to put a square chick like her up against a high-ballin' stud like himself on the bed of high sensuous consequence without giving the chick a little tune-up first
. . . | | | | | | |
HIMAL'YAS | | icy mountains | source | | The Ballad of Dan McGroo | usage | | . . . and the cool Himal'yas swung you in with a beat you 'most could hear. | + | | | | | |
HIP | | knowledgeable | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | He was a real hip cat. | ]]] | | | | | |
HIPLEYVILLE | | a state of day dreaming | source | | SUBCONSCIOUS MIND | usage | | And suddenly your mind goes over to Hippleyville and you start thinking about a beautiful girl . . . | ]]] | | | | | top |
HIPPED THE TREASURY | | added to the state treasury | source | | MARC ANTHONY'S FUNERAL ORATION | usage | | Yea, the looty was booty and hipped the treasury well. | ]]] | | | | | |
HIPPETY ISLANDS | | an imaginary archipelago | source | | JONAH AND THE WHALE | usage | | . . . I thought we was off the Hippety Islands and here we are just five minutes from the Panama Canal | | | | | | |
HIPSEMANTIC | | Lord Buckley's term for the language he utilized in his routines. Hipsemantic is a stunningly poetic and highly idiomatic style of English derived from the dialect favored by black jazz musicians of the '20s - '50s. It is believed that this dialect, in turn, is most likely an evolution of the coded language used in the fields by slaves desiring
to keep their communications amongst themselves. His Lordship revered this patois and referred to it as "the language of the American Beauty Negro." He also used the term "the Semantic of the Hip." | source | | Studs Terkel Interview, 1960 | usage | | As translated into the Hipsemantic. | ]]] | | | | | |
HISTORY CAT | | historical figure | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | Now, you heard about Vasca de Gama, the island bumper. He was a history cat with a big fat press agent. | + | | | | | |
HIT THE STREETS | | became generally available | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | When this book hit the streets, it hit the spacehead cats hard. | ]]] | | | | | top |
HOLD OUTS | | those who don't give it their all | source | | MY OWN RAILROAD | usage | | Let me hip you to somethin'... when you make love, MAKE IT! Oh, Some of you brothers and sisters - holdouts!! | | | | | | |
HOME IN A HOME IN A HOME, HOME | | extremely comfortable, in the right spot | source | | SUBCONSCIOUS MIND | usage | | . . . you feel right in there tight, like a home in a home in a home, home | | | | | | |
HONE OF THE SCONE | | at death's door | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | And the buddy cat that he's askin' to get straight is in very delicate condition indeed. He is not on the razor's edge; he's on the hone of the scone. That's a wing-fittin' station, y'understand . . . | + | | | | | |
HONEY-TASTIN' | | delicious | source | | THE NAZZ | usage | | And in the other a big, thick loaf of that gone, crazy, honey-tastin', nonstop, sweet, swingin Southern Bread. | ]]] | | | | | |
HONEYDEW CRY | | a powerful and intoxicating smell or sound | source | | GOD'S OWN DRUNK | usage | | With a kind of a honeydew cry comin' from it. | ]]] | | | | | top |
HOOKED | | dedicated, highly interested in or addicted to something | source | | NERO | usage | | He's really diggin' this scene, man, he's so hooked for what's he sees jumpin' out there, as a matter of fact he's diggin' it so hard he's got big bulgin' eyes . . . | ]]] | | | | | |
HORN | | a musical instrument, usually a trumpet or saxophone | source | | JONAH AND THE WHALE | usage | | . . . and he called for Gabe to put down his horn and swing with the book. | ]]] | | | | | |
HUNG | | sorrowful | source | | The Raven | usage | | Groovily I wooed the morrow; still hung, I sought to borrow from my book kicks to knock the sorrow. | + | | | | | |
HUNG UP | | delayed by or obsessed by something | source | | H-Bomb | usage | | . . . I got hung up in an old junker car going to Las Vegas, Nevada. | ]]] | | | | | |
HUNG UP, AND JACKED UP. AND FRAMED UP | | put to the test | source | | The Gasser | usage | | So he says, "Your Majesty," ( he's writin' in the letter )
He says, "I've suffered from pavement rash."
He says, "I've been billed, willed, and twilled."
He said, "I've been flung, wanged, and loonged."
He said, "I've been hung up, and jacked up, and framed up, and backed up.
I've been stacked up, and macked up, and racked up." | ]]] | | | | | top |