BAD JAZZ | | evil deeds, negative actions | source | | JAMES DEAN'S (MESSAGE TO THE TEENAGERS) | usage | | . . . of the bad jazz of the atomic age. | ]]] | | | | | |
BAD RAP | | to speak poorly of someone | source | | BAD-RAPPING OF THE MARQUIS DE SADE - KIND OF THE BADCATS | usage | | . . . and they bad rapped the poor cat every step of the way. | ]]] | | | | | |
BALL | | to party, also heard in such classic rock and roll songs as Little Richard's Good Golly Miss Molly: 'Good Golly Miss Molly, sure like to ball . . .' and Rip It Up: 'We're gonna rip it up . . . gonna ball it up . . .', the verb pops up in tons of contemporaneous songs and in 1940s movie dialogue. | source | | NERO | usage | | He's the kind of a cat that balled every big swingin' main day breeze, all the time every day. | + | | | | | |
BANK OF COMPENSATION | | a recompense for enduring tremendous hardship | source | | PRELUDE TO THE HIP GAN | usage | | . . . for the Negroes there are many banks, and one of the great banks is the Bank of Compensation and the divine, beautiful, warm swinging American Negroes had to laugh at so many things for so long that were not funny as a consequence they deepened the wells of their humor until it sparkles with a beauty that makes it endless in it's depth and sacred in its clarity. | ]]] | | | | | |
BEANS | | money | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | He saved his beans. | ]]] | | | | | |
BEAT, BENT, FLAPPED, TRAPPED, AND DE-GIGGED | | utterly defated | source | | The Gasser | usage | | And every bug in the jungle is dive bombin' these cats,
and the ones that ain't dive bombin' 'em is hitch hikin' rides on 'em,
and they're beat, bent, flapped, trapped, and de-gigged. | ]]] | | | | | top |
BEAUTY SPIN | | being in love | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | . . . out of this beauty spin came . . . a boy and a girl. | ]]] | | | | | |
BED OF HIGH SENSUOUS CONSEQUENCE | | locale for a major sexual encounter | source | | THE BAD-RAPPING OF THE MARQUIS DE SADE - KING OF THE BAD CATS | usage | | he knew she was a square, he knew she was an octagonhead and he knew it was the wrong thing to do, to put such a square chick as she was up against such a tight stud as he was on the bed of high sensuous consequence. . . and they bad rapped the cat every step of the way. | | | | | | |
BEFORE DADDIES | | forefathers | source | | THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS | usage | | Four big hits and seven licks ago, our before daddies swung forth upon this sweet groovy land, . . .' | ]]] | | | | | |
BENDIN' END | | ultimate, something that went all the way to the end , bent around and headed back again | source | | JONAH AND THE WHALE | usage | | . . . but this is the bendin' end. | ]]] | | | | | |
BENT | | crippled | source | | THE NAZZ | usage | | . . . a little cat with a bent frame | ]]] | | | | | top |
BENZEDRINE FLOAT | | a Buckley fantasy concoction used slyly as a drug reference in his Amos and Andy routine on the Ed Sullivan show. | source | | AMOS AND ANDY | usage | | . . . and a very new California drink called a Benzedrine Float. | ]]] | | | | | |
BIG HEATER | | The sun | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | You go on out to latitude 777 and longitude 444 and get out there at the unveiling of the big heater. | ¬ | | | | | |
BIG LAW | | the United States constitution | source | | THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS | usage | | . . . and that the Big Law, of you straights, by you studs and for your kitties, shall not be scratched from the big race. | ]]] | | | | | |
BIG MONEY MIND GOIN' ON IN HIS WIG | | someone obsessed with thoughts of money | source | | SCROOGE | usage | | Scrooge is going along in his loose soul, and his loose clothes and his hard cash box and his big money mind going on in his wig. | < | | | | | |
BIG WHITE WING | | a native American interpretation of the sails on a 16th century European sailing vessel | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | You got big white wing. | ]]] | | | | | top |
BILLBOARDS IN THE GRAVEYARD | | tombstones | source | | SCROOGE | usage | | And he reads one of them billboards in the graveyard. | ]]] | | | | | |
BILLED | | to be given a hard time, put through a lot of changes | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | Your Majesty, I've been billed, willed and twilled, I've been flung, wanged and looned, but I never dug no jazz like this last riff you put me on. | | | | | | |
BILLED, WILLED AND TWILLED | | put to the test | source | | | usage | | So he says, "Your Majesty," ( he's writin' in the letter )
He says, "I've suffered from pavement rash."
He says, "I've been billed, willed, and twilled."
He said, "I've been flung, wanged, and loonged."
He said, "I've been hung up, and jacked up, and framed up, and backed up.
I've been stacked up, and macked up, and racked up." | ]]] | | | | | |
BIND | | trouble | source | | H-Bomb | usage | | It seems every time I found myself in a bind nothing mystic came to help me. | ]]] | | | | | |
BIRCH AND ROD STORE | | a place where one could obtain devices for use in an S& M session | source | | THE BAD-RAPPING OF THE MARQUIS DE SADE - KING OF THE BAD CATS | usage | | And they just happened to pass the Birch and Rod Store | ]]] | | | | | top |
BLACK JAZZ | | evil intent | source | | THE RAVEN | usage | | Leave no feather on my heather take your black jazz, blow together. | ]]] | | | | | |
BLEW THE WHOLE GIG | | failed completely | source | | The Gasser | usage | | Ran into a short tilt on the far side and, brrttt, blew the whole gig on a beach in Florida in fifteen hundred and ten. | ]]] | | | | | |
BLOW | | to perform or to profess | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | What's the cat blow? | ^ | | | | | |
BLOW MY STACK | | get angry | source | | THE RAVEN | usage | | Screw, before I blow my stack back to your Plutonian Shore. | ]]] | | | | | |
BLOW THE GIG | | to fail miserably | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | They had a square captain that ran into a short tilt and blew the whole gig . . . | + | | | | | top |
BLOWED UP BULL | | a huge bull | source | | NERO | usage | | Out come a big lion 'bout four times the size of a blowed up bull. | ]]] | | | | | |
BLOWING HIS GOLD | | spending prodigious amounts of money | source | | THE BAD-RAPPING OF THE MARQUIS DE SADE - KING OF THE BAD CATS | usage | | He's blowing his gold! | ]]] | | | | | |
BLUBBERY RUGS | | the insides of a whale, see also MASS MESS | source | | JONAH AND THE WHALE | usage | | And all of a sudden he fell down on these blubbery rugs . . . | ]]] | | | | | |
BOARD OF DIRECTORS | | all the mental faculties, called on in time of crisis | source | | MY OWN RAILROAD | usage | | I want a meeting of the board of directors, I want one right now." | | | | | | |
BOOK KICKS | | powerful truth found in a book | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | The greatest gasser of all spearhead book kicks is, let me hip you, volume 17, series 4, yearbook of physics one nine hundred and jumpin' five! | ]]] | | | | | top |
BRANG-DOWN ATTITUDE | | sadness | source | | The Swingin' Pied Piper | usage | | And in years that swung after,
If you were to blame his brang down attitude,
He used to say, "Ah, it's a real solid drag
In our town since my play cats cut out. | + | | | | | |
BREAD | | money | source | | MARC ANTHONY'S FUNERAL ORATION | usage | | Without bread a stud can't even rule an anthill. | ]]] | | | | | |
BREATHING IN STACCATO TO KEEP THE PILOT LIGHT LIT | | rapid, shallow breathingin an attempt to hang on to life | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | My buddy cats and me was in such a bind we were breathing in staccato to keep the pilot light lit. | ]]] | | | | | |
BREEZE | | A sort of commotion or happening | source | | NERO | usage | | Five thousand slaves come down with five thousand torches and lit up the crosses and five thousand Christians started to wail up the biggest breeze and most insane orchestration you ever dug in all your born days. | ]]] | | | | | |
BRING DOWN | | a major disappointment | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | And that coming right after a big bug sized bring down from the Nazis put on him . . . | ]]] | | | | | top |
BRINGING THEM IN | | saving lives | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | The Gasser was a warrior cat: he'd been talkin' them out, not bringing them in. | ]]] | | | | | |
BUDDY CAT | | a close friend | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | . . . a buddy cat hipped him they need a boy down at Berne in the Idea Factory. | ]]] | | | | | |
BUG | | to annoy | source | | NERO | usage | | Don't bug me with them Christian Cats, let them goof off anyway they want too. | ]]] | | | | | |
BUG SIZED BRING DOWN | | a huge amount of trouble | source | | THE HIP EINIE | usage | | . . . after a big bug sized bring down that the Nazis put on him. | ]]] | | | | | |
BUGBIRD, THE | | Buckley's name for Edgar Allen Poe's heavy in The Raven. The bugbird is a symbol of death in both Poe's piece and Buckley's reworking of it. | source | | THE RAVEN | usage | | Flip the Bugbird, nevermore! | ]]] | | | | | top |
BUGGED OUT | | enlarged or bulging | source | | THE NAZZ | usage | | . . . walked away with his eyes buggin' out. | ]]] | | | | | |
BULGIN' LEGAL EYES | | to desperately want to get married | source | | HIP HIAWATHA | usage | | Miles Standish had great bulgin' legal eyes for Priscilla | < | | | | | |
BULLION | | gold | source | | The Gasser | usage | | He's a soldier for Ferdinand The First of Spain
and he was sent to the new world after bullion
and he flipped. | ]]] | | | | | |
BUMP | | to discover | source | | THE GASSER | usage | | He say 'De Gama bump island number one, put it in the book. | ]]] | | | | | |