Riffs 2014
3/28/2014 |
The Passing Show |
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His Royal Hipness Lord Buckley, Solid with All He Surveys, and a mere 87 years after he first hit the boards at the Aztec Theater in San Antonio, will materialize once again in Dallas, Texas at the Ochre Theater for a spectacle that is being billed as ?#"The Passing Show"%%%. Written and directed by Matthew Posey the show promises to be another far out and with it expedition into that mystical realm where intrepid and swingin' mortals conjure The Lord from beyond the Waygonesphere. Channeling The Lord will be Ben Bryant a local Dallas thespian with a pretty swingin' look and presence. Amongst other riffs he will be hipping the populance in Hipsemantic Shakespeare to the trials, tribulations and bring downs of King Lear, a king freak if ever there was one. Adding the heat to the beat the whole affair is backed by a two piece jazz band featuring Justin Locklear and Trey Pendergrass. Lone Star hipsters should plan to attend as it is altogether groovy and exceedingly rare when The Coolest One of All Kick Bumps makes the scene. Tickets are $15 (cash or check) at the door or stake your claim online at Brown Paper Tickets or reservations at: 214.826.6273 The Ochre Theater Thanks to Roger Mexico for hipping us to this flip. LINKS | |
4/6/2014 |
Digging It Deeply "Dig Infinity" on the boards at the Planet Connection Theater Festivity |
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What is in the air of late, Beloveds? First we have the swingin' news that His Lordship will make the Lone Star scene in "The Passing Show". And now, quick on it's heels, intell reaches our lobes that one of the heaviest of the Original Buckley Before Daddies is going to stomp across the boards in a self penned salute to The Master himself. Buckley biographer Oliver Trager has scribed and will be directing/starring in his Opus Hipus "Dig Infinity!" at the Planet Connection Theater Festivity in New York City in May of 2014. The three scheduled performance events commence Wednesday May 14th with additional shows on the 18th and 24th. See the jazz below what is below for particulars. "Dig Infinity" is a very active meditation on the essence of art, hipness and life itself. Not to give the plot away but the range and ambition of the play is as vast and mighty as a jumpin' Tigris and Euphrates pool party. And its central conceit as edgy as the hippest Oxford style Myth Wigs would ever hope to conjure up. You swingin' cats and kitties in Gotham who can make the scene can do a little homework with Roland Barthes, Edith Hamilton and Joseph Campbell to give yourselves a leg up. And those of you with a little extra kale can hip the treasury well with a nod towards getting the expenses for this show right and tight. See the Indigogo link to the left for more details and for a little taste of the action. PERFORMERS & CREW PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE to purchase tickets click here: LINKS Indigogo [not an active link] | |
4/13/2014 |
Can You Dig Me? Pre-release skinny on "Red Beans and Weiss" |
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Once upon a time a drum crazed teenager from Denver caught the lobes of a legendary heavy blues cat by the name of Lightin' Hopkins. Invited to tour the Cherryland and lay down the beat for this great cat the young stud did just that. And then he proceeded to lay it on some of the other far out, magical 145 princes like Muddy Waters and Willie Dixon. He swung it up to some very high strata. Once upon another time this same young cat (now a tad older) hung out serious style with Tom Waits and Ricki Lee Jones in the old Tropicana Motel in Los Angeles from whence many a tale has reached the surface. Her Majesty Ricki Lee even made the platinum record scene with a tune inspired by this young percussion mad chap titled "Chuck E. s In Love". Now, beloveds, jump yourself up to the present and dig the news that long time recording artist Chuck E. Weiss (and Lord Buckley aficionado) is swingin' forth with a soon to be released album on ANTI Records titled "Red Beans and Weiss". It is produced by Tom Waits and Johnny Depp, features a gasser of a song list and a truly with it album cover. The album is due April 15, 2014. Now dig this little flip. Part Sgt. Pepper and part "Where's Waldo?" the artwork on "Red Beans and Weiss" is a little gem for the peepers. Any number of far out entertainers are featured on the cover and who do you think made the scene? Some of you with eagle style peepers might be able to make out The Lord's position in the image on the left but for the rest of us click here to see a larger version. LBC salutes Chuck E. and urges all you cats and kitties that dig this goodly Prince to lay down the kale for a treat with a beat. Again, we have HRH Roger Mexico to thank for hipping us to this good bit of news. LINKS | |
6/14/2014 |
Ode Is The Mode, Daddy-o! The Swingin' Prince Amram Is At It Again |
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You cats and kitties that make crazy sweeps of the freqs with those trained and tuned lobes of yours are going to double down with delight when you hear the news that composer and Forever Jung Beat Daddy David Amram has done it once more with great feeling. His recently released CD ###"Amram/Orchestra of Indian Hill/Hangen-Ode To Lord Buckley"%%% features the swingingest composition this side of Gone. ###"Ode To Lord Buckley"%%% is Amram's nod, tip of the beret, and homage to the Great Master of Flip Manor. And lest Ye think it is some wig based intellectual type riff set in motion via some abstract theorum we want to get you straight that it is a most masterful tome for the lobes that any of you cats and kitties can get down with. iTunes can get you with this groovey new wax as can Amazon. See links to the left. LINKS | |
6/14/2014 |
Ain't Nothin' Little About Him, Jack Jimmy Scott [1925-2014] |
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In the world of jazz his pipes were a unique form of gold. In the underappreciated and esoteric arena called Phrasing he was a regal presence dug deeply by so very many in jazz. Word of his talents also found its way into the demi-monde of pop music. Madonna once said he was the only singer that could make her cry, dig that. When he finally laid down his last he had as many years on him as a high class club piano has keys. He went out when his ticker said, “That’s all she wrote, daddy–o. Take it down easy.” Jimmy Scott, a beautiful singer and beautiful cat is with us no more. We at LBC are saddened but reminded of the Second Line in a New Orleans jazz funeral which gives people a chance to strut and not fret upon the stage in remembrance of those spirits that made us embrace the sphere with glee and abandon. Jimmy Scott’s chart was full of starts, stops, and too many bars of rest from beginning to end. His life story is one of talent pitted against luck both good and bad. Born in Cleveland in 1925 he was number three in a string of ten children. Starting his singing career as a teenager he was first billed as Little Jimmy Scott for his small size and high pitched vocal register. His voice never broke but he found an inner strength and forged that voice into a gift that the world would come to regard with marvel. He was held back from much he was due by a contract dispute with a minor recording label. There were even times when he had to find work in hospitals, restaurants and hotels. But eventually he played and recorded with Lionel Hampton’s band in New York, he sang at one of President Bill Clinton’s inaugural gatherings, nominated for a Grammy, and featured in the final episode of "Twin Peaks". But through all the ups and downs this extraordinary voice, filled with pain and yearning, drenched in pathos and hope, graced the air that we all share and filled it and our hearts with beauty. There ain’t nothin’ little about Jimmy Scott, Jack! When he laid it he laid it. In October of 2004 Roger Mexico and Michael Monteleone interviewed Jimmy in his home in Euclid, Ohio about his experience with Lord Buckley. Also present was Jimmy's lovely and kind hearted wife Jeanie. Here is a snippet of that conversation. Jimmy is talking about Buckley's 4 Chairs bit. JS MM JS MM JS MM JS | |
6/24/2014 |
Report from the Field: "Dig Infinity" Prince O's Latest Flip |
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From the current front line we bring you testimony in the key of E (for eye witness.) Less than a fortnight ago Oliver Trager laid a little email on LBC to hip us to his most recent stomp across the boards titled "Dig Infinity. For Thy peepers only, Beloveds:
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7/1/2014 |
Next Stop, The Waygonesphere Paul Mazursky [1930-2014] |
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We relate this story to all the hip cats and kitties that have a soft spot for the world of heartfelt films. The last of a very fine movie director's life has made its way through the twisting sprockets, klacking sockets, the looping hockets, the lens and arc lamp, and now lies quietly on the take up reel. 35mm director Paul Mazursky has swooped the sphere at 84 years of age. He died June 30th at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. He was known for some wonderful and highly successful films such as "Harry and Tonto", "Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice", and "Next Stop, Greenwich Village" but he also laid some groovy and thought provoking films on the populance such as "An Unmarried Woman" and "Alex In Wonderland". He was known to coax wonderful performances from the talented people in cast: Jill Clayburgh, Art Carney and Robin Williams amongst many. He was sometimes in the cross hairs of the critics who accused him of sentimentality. His response in the Atlantic magazine was, "...my movies aren't sentimental, they just have sentiment." In his early days he even tried standup comedy. It was in this context that he met Lord Buckley. In a 2005 interview with Roger Mexico and Michael Monteleone Mazursky remembered some of his time with The Lord:
Paul Mazursky was a mensch. He was warm and kind and had time to spend with two fledgling filmmakers. One cannot sum up a person's life with the simple algebra contained in a quote but give this one a try anyways. This is Paul Mazursky speaking to People magazine about humor and life:
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7/15/2014 |
Whippin' and Wailin' |
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Oh, my swingin beloveds, modern miracles do manifest Now and Then. So, let me hip Thee to a sweet riff that is happening like Now. Regal Princes of Funk Sly Stone and George Clinton have taken a step towards shaking the peninsula by bringing The Lord into the aforementioned Now by resurrecting “The Naz” as a gorgeous bit of digital vinyl. With Sly laying down the story and George sprinkling the funk dust on every lick and groove they bring His Lordship’s signature routine to a whole new slice of the populance. A treat awaits Thee in short order when you twang the magic link that takes you to a groovy YouTube page. Be sure to read the commentary for the full Large Charge. LINKS | |
8/9/2014 |
Trager Connects Oliver Trager scores gold at Planet Connections Festivity |
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And I quote:
Oliver Trager on Facebook LINKS | ||||
8/11/2014 |
Up The Ladder Robin Williams [1951 - 2014] |
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I find it extremely hard to be glib with this modern day teletype item, my regal cats and kitties. If there is such a thing as a Latter Day Royal Court of Lord Buckley I am sad to report that one of it’s sweetest princes has taken his untimely leave of us. Robin Williams, whose list of talents, accomplishments and artful inventions staggers we Mortals of Mere, is dead. How can that even be possible? That golden boy, that unconquerable spirit, that crazy and noisy run up the ladder is silent forever. I want to know why it is not one of the countless Governor Slugwell’s of this sphere that got snatched out of line early. Why does a cat with so much gleeful wiggage not want to stay with it all the way to Endsville? It is an answer not to be found I fear. Journalist Doug Cruickshank has posted his thoughts on Facebook.
Here are a few excerpts from our interview. Present were Doug Cruickshank, Roger Mexico and Michael Monteleone also sound recordist Michael Stocker and camera person John Knupe:
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11/27/2014 |
Murphy Rising The History of Hip with Noel Murphy |
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Sweet Hipsters, rejoice in The Lord for he will be among you soon. Noel Murphy, a swingin' Left Coast prince with a jumpin' ear and a roarin' delivery is going to hit the boards with his Lord Buckley tribute "Lord Buckley Live: The History of Hip" on Saturday, November 29, 2014 at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center in Santa Cruz, California. Murphy's previous channelings included the ultra hip grandaddy of the Unsquare Universe, Buckminister Fuller in a wiggy romp titled "Buckminster Fuller LIVE". He has also swung with the book. You with-it With Its will want to make the scene for all it's worth. And dig the trailer in the links for a little taste. LINKS | |